libera/#devuan/ Tuesday, 2019-11-12

cgdaemason: thanks for that. sounds interesting. but... not sure i have the time spare to figure how to all of that myself!00:43
agrismason, your teaching students with Devuan? That's neat01:39
agrisComing from Gentoo a hand install is no challenge and nothing new. The only parts I'm not 100% on are the Debian-specifics like debootstrapping instead of untarballing01:40
agrisfsmithred, you were the one using ZFS encrypted rootfs datasets right? Were you using .6, .7, or .8?01:41
agrisbut as I understand it, the manual install procedure for Devuan is to mount your target filesystems on /mnt, debootsrap the OS into it, then install grub01:44
agrisor a bootloader of some kind01:44
james1138New kernels are out -
agristhen boot up the base system and build the system up01:45
agris> Do you waddle the waddle?01:46
masonagris: Close. If you look at the script I posted earlier, I'm using the Linux EFI stub rather than a bootloader.02:18
masonFor legacy installs, LILO still works.02:19
fsmithredagris, I've never used zfs. I was just trying to get you and mason to connect.02:25
masonagris: Look at for an example of how to install. Shows how to optionally install to a mirror, using either LUKS or ZFS-native encryption.02:27
masonIt's a work in progress, but you can treat it like a guide.02:28
masonagris: Oh, before I go, it's assuming ZFS On Linux 0.8.2 or thereabouts compiled as kmod, in the /root/zfs directory of the install system.02:38
masonThe ZOL web site has instructions on building these on the "custom packages" page.02:39
agris0.8 no longer requires the Solaris Porting Layer and supports TRIM03:51
agrisaming encrypted datasets as a feature too03:51
agrisand it allows you to remove disks from a raidz03:51
agrisessentially it's a pretty important update03:51
HumpelstilzchenHi, is anyone working on the chromium security issue in ascii?06:01
furrywolfvery unlikely, as last I checked, devuan doesn't package any browsers.  if the debian security people release it, and your sources are correct, I think you'll get it that way.06:02
Humpelstilzchenfurrywolf: doesn't look like, there won't be any update according to the DSA06:02
HumpelstilzchenFor the oldstable distribution (stretch), support for chromium has been discontinued. Please upgrade to the stable release (buster) to continue receiving chromium updates (...)06:03
furrywolfI don't think anyone plans on adding the huge workload of maintaining a browser package to the devuan to-do list anytime soon...06:03
Humpelstilzchenthats not good06:05
furrywolfyou might be up the proverbial creek, then.06:05
furrywolfthat's pretty shitty of debian...  but shitty seems to be the way they're going.06:06
furrywolfbbl, wolfy bedtime06:09

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