libera/#devuan/ Monday, 2021-03-29

melodiethks sgage00:01
melodieis there a forum of some kind dedicated to Devuan?00:02
fsmithredmelodie, ^^^00:07
melodiethanks fsmithred00:10
melodieI have bookmarked it00:10
fsmithredsee you there00:10
fsmithredhow much did you remove?00:11
melodieI also have a few more questions about what is the thing related to users when installing00:11
fsmithreddon't paste a lot of lines here00:11
melodielet me show you on a pastebin00:11
melodiedon't worry00:11
fsmithredor paste.debian.net00:11
fsmithred(no javascript there)00:11
melodiefsmithred I am scrutinizing in it to reinstall a few packages which might help00:12
fsmithredme too00:13
fsmithredwas this an upgrade from ascii?00:14
melodiewhat is ascii ?00:15
melodieso far I reinstalled gir1.2-polkit-1.0 packagekit packagekit-tools and their depends00:16
fsmithredascii=stretch (oldstable)00:19
melodieno I downloaded the ISO yesterday00:20
fsmithredmaybe you need to keep some pinentry stuff00:20
melodiethere is pinentry-gnome installed00:20
fsmithredoh, ok00:20
melodieand all of them are presented as x windows for gpg00:20
fsmithredso you know that's working00:20
melodieno i don't, I haven't used any gpg passphrase in that machine00:21
melodieI'll reboot it, I haven't, since the update, and I just reinstalled a few packages00:21
melodielet me see how it goes after reboot00:21
fsmithredI couldn't find anyting obvious00:22
melodieneither did I00:22
melodiehow old is yesterday's iso? (the one with Xfce4)00:22
fsmithredfew days old00:22
melodieso it might have some bugs00:23
melodieI'll test it again in Virtualbox00:23
fsmithredwhat bugs?00:23
fsmithredyou used a mirror during the install?00:23
melodieI have provided a user name and password at the end of the install00:23
melodieand it has created a user "devuan" associated with my user name, but no user of the name I gave00:24
fsmithreddid you install from the desktop-live iso?00:24
melodieno /home/something, just /home/devuan00:24
melodielet me check the name of the ISO00:24
fsmithredyou did00:24
fsmithredunless you chose the name devuan00:24
melodiealso the way things are presented for the names and users lacks clarity00:25
melodieit is confusing00:25
melodieI will just replay the install in Virtualbox and ask questions at the forum from the Virtualbox experience00:26
fsmithredcheck the install guide, too00:26
fsmithredI'll get the link00:26
fsmithredoh, I think it's on the desktop in the live iso, too00:26
melodienow I would like to solve this thing around rights and permissions, for the "Users and Groups" tool as well, as I have installed gnome-system-tools and the users tool does not provide me with a choice of providing a password00:27
melodiejust had an idea : I'll check if gnome-keyring is installed00:28
fsmithredalso, 'id devuan'00:28
melodiethank you00:28
fsmithredhow many users are there and what are their uid:gid and groups?00:28
fsmithredsounds like something got messed up in the install00:29
melodieyes, possible00:29
melodiethere is "root" and there is "devuan" who also calls himself by the user name I provided at the end of the install00:29
fsmithredok, that does not make sense to me00:30
melodiethis is why I'll check the doc you just gave me, and redo the install in virtualbox tomorrow00:30
fsmithredls /home00:30
fsmithredhow many user directories are there?00:30
melodiefsmithred I confess it doesn't for me either00:30
melodieone : /home/devuan00:30
fsmithredid devuan00:30
fsmithredshould be 100000:30
melodieit is00:30
fsmithredso where is this other name you're talking about00:31
fsmithredis that just the user's "Real name"?00:31
melodieat the end of the install I have never told it to name the user devuan I thought I would name the machine devuan, not the user00:31
fsmithredthe hostname is devuan, the user name is devuan and the user password is devuan.00:31
melodiethe other user is a generic one I use a lot00:32
fsmithredthe installer asks if you want to chage all of those00:32
melodieI will double check tomorrow00:32
fsmithredyeah, but does that other user exist?00:32
melodieand fix it in the install00:32
melodienot it doesn't00:32
fsmithredgrep otheruser /etc/passwd00:32
fsmithredyeah, reinstall can take 10 minutes00:33
melodiefsmithred no, it's an old machine, with a pata ssd00:33
melodiewhere I have already done a lot of writings00:33
melodiein /etc/password :00:34
melodielet's say the user is me: melodie00:34
melodieI don't understand :-(00:35
fsmithredyou could drop to console, login as root, kill the xsession, deluser melodie, rm -r /home/devuan00:35
fsmithredand then adduser melodie00:35
fsmithredassuming there's no user named devuan in /etc/passwd00:36
fsmithredor group devuan in /etc/group00:36
melodie yes, there is devuan, look again : devuan:x:1000:1000:melodie,,,:/home/devuan:/bin/bash00:36
fsmithreduser is devuan group is melodie00:36
fsmithredI read it wrong the first time00:36
melodievery strange00:36
fsmithreddeluser devuan, delgroup melodie, rm -r /home/devuan, adduser melodie00:37
melodieok fsmithred I'll see you on the forum00:37
melodiewhat is better, deluser or userdel ?00:37
fsmithreddeluser is a debian script, userdel is the underlying command00:37
fsmithreddeluser and adduser are easier00:38
fsmithredthey do more00:38
fsmithredyou can modify the behavior in /etc/adduser.conf00:38
fsmithredif you can save /var/log/refractainstaller.log from this installation, I'd like to see it.00:39
fsmithredyou can email me through the forum00:39
crashoverridegosh, UEFI is so terribad...00:40
fsmithredit would be less bad if motherboard manufacturers stuck to the specs00:41
fsmithredtime for food00:41
melodieuefi are a pain00:42
fsmithredtell me about it00:42
fsmithredsee you later00:42
melodiefsmithred new user : starting synaptic now triggers a window!00:45
melodiea gui window!00:45
melodieI'm happy!00:45
melodieI bet the packagekit packages reinstalls have done the trick00:46
melodienext on to the other little issues00:46
crashoverridemelodie: are you melodie from #gandi?00:50
melodiehi crashoverride I am one of their clients00:51
crashoverridenah I meant on the IRC channel; but yes, then, I suppose that answers my question :P00:52
crashoverrideand so, bonsoir :)00:52
melodiebonsoir crashoverride :)00:55
melodiethis Devuan distro is incredible00:58
melodieI am playing the stream of a Swiss radio in mpv, by just dropping the URL into it, it does not lag or anyting : the machine is Asus 4000 A4D : 18 years old00:58
melodiewith cpu AMD 3000+ 32bits 1.8Ghz00:59
melodieand RAM (added by myself) PC 2700 333Mhz 2x1 GB00:59
melodiethe hard drive replaced with a 32GB PATA SSD Kingston00:59
melodiethat's a challenge! \o/01:00
melodiegoing to make pancakes to celebrate now ^^01:00
specingwhy would playing music lag?01:08
melodiespecing on youtube in a web browser in a 18 years old laptop?01:09
specing> web browser01:10
specingthere's your problem #101:10
specingand youtube is #201:10
melodieon youtube, in epiphany-browser the music does not lag, only the video01:10
melodiethis can be turned around by dl the video01:10
melodiewhat light audio reader is there for Devuan? I looked for deadbeef but it's not in the repos01:11
crashoverridemelodie: devuan is essentially what linux distros should be.01:11
melodienor xmms legacy.01:11
melodiecrashoverride agreed01:11
crashoverridemelodie: but people don't value FOSS, and there are good reasons for that: free means doomed, eventually.01:11
melodiedoomed how?01:11
crashoverridethere's no income to power the development.01:12
crashoverrideso it always starts with someone skilled01:12
crashoverrideand eventually they need money or to stop01:12
golinuxAppropriated and monetized you mean01:12
melodieI have pushed my clients into linux boxes for years and even more the last 3 years, they won't go back to windows unless forced01:12
crashoverridemainly, because they got stuff to pay on their end.01:12
crashoverrideand so, they gotta stop.01:12
crashoverrideand who can afford to continue? students.01:12
melodiecrashoverride it's mostly true01:12
crashoverrideFOSS is essentially software development from interns as a service.01:12
crashoverride(if you ignore the few diehards like fsmithred here)01:13
crashoverridegosh, I'm never gonna be able to boot that encrypted stuff...01:13
crashoverrideit's not devuan, it's a rescue system from another distro (alpine), but if anyon knows how to manually boot into an encrypted lvm volume...01:14
crashoverrideI'm really interested. :)01:14
crashoverrideor, simply, how to switch grub to debug, because it really crashes01:14
melodiedo you have your password ?01:18
melodieif the answer is yes, then do you have the right keyboard layout?01:19
crashoverrideit really hangs.01:19
crashoverridelike, I don't even get to the passphrase.01:19
crashoverrideI have `(grub)> boot`01:19
melodiehave you passed a smart test on the drive?01:19
crashoverrideand that's the last thing on the screen.01:19
crashoverrideyeah it's all good.01:19
crashoverrideshould do more than that anyway, even with a bad drive.01:19
melodietry booting my bento openbox version, and when prompted the password provide it. https://downloads.linuxvillage.org01:20
melodiethe polkit authorization is meant to ease access to hard drive volumes01:20
melodiesame with gvfs and gvfs-backends installed01:21
melodiethe file manager is pcmanfm01:21
crashoverrideit's not possible, that's a VM, I can change a few parameters, but not use a custom iso right up01:21
melodiewhy can't you start an iso in another vm you setup as slave or whatever and mount the other vm?01:22
crashoverrideas slave?01:22
fsmithredcrashoverride, yes I know how to mount encrypted lvm01:27
fsmithredyou can boot an iso with the virtual hard disk attached?01:28
crashoverrideyeah I can01:30
crashoverrideone sec'01:30
crashoverrideso it kinda worked out, but it says "booting in blind mode" and I have literally no idea why.01:30
crashoverrideI inserted the right modules.01:31
crashoverridealso, hangs, again v_v01:31
crashoverridegotta reboot I guess.01:31
fsmithredin qemu or something else?01:31
crashoverridesmartos, bhyve01:31
crashoverridewhy lol?01:32
crashoverridebut I mean I can boot things on it.01:32
melodiebecause it's so rare to hear about it I didn't even know other people still knew it existed01:32
crashoverridemy problem is grub with a linux. :)01:32
crashoverridewell, I mean, I work with BSD a lot, too01:32
melodieisn't BSD and family supposed to have their own bootloader that superseeds all others?01:33
melodieI mean that are *the* master of the game?01:33
crashoverridewell, it's a linux VM01:33
crashoverrideso it's not BSD.01:33
fsmithredcryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdxY <label>01:33
crashoverridefsmithred: I don't even get there...01:34
fsmithredvgdisplay, lvdisplay to get names01:34
crashoverrideI can totally mount it from the rescue drive...01:34
fsmithredyeah, but I need to return to the kitchen01:34
crashoverrideI know about vgscan and vgchange -a y01:34
fsmithredok, cool01:34
crashoverrideI used that a lot01:34
crashoverridebut right now, my problem is:01:34
crashoverrideI boot the VM, I get a screen... grub menu... I can drop to the shell or anything01:34
crashoverrideand then, nothing01:34
melodieexcuse me : what small audio reader is there for Devuan? Small with a light footprint?01:34
crashoverrideand it hangs.01:34
crashoverridethere's also mpg12301:35
crashoverridemplayer, I guess.01:35
crashoverrideffmpeg could work01:35
melodiecrashoverride that would be text mode I guess I need gui for end users01:35
crashoverrideah, I didn't know moc01:35
crashoverridealso, aplay :D01:35
* crashoverride hides01:35
fsmithredaudacious is light01:35
crashoverridemelodie: ah ok01:35
melodiefsmithred yes, I'll do that01:35
buZz  Full-screen console mp3 and Ogg Vorbis player01:36
melodiebuZz I'll have a look, thank you01:36
fsmithredcrashoverride, do you know your way around booting from grub prompt?01:36
melodieMp3blaster is an audio player for the text console01:36
melodienot for the end users then01:36
melodieunless they are geeks, which they often are not01:37
crashoverridegosh darn it01:37
buZzwhy not?01:37
crashoverrideI REALLY can't fix that...01:37
melodiebuZz because they get scared01:37
buZzthats good01:37
crashoverridefear is never good.01:37
melodiebuZz why is it?01:37
crashoverrideit can save your life, but it never is.01:37
crashoverrideit's a safety net.01:37
crashoverrideand hitting the safety net is never good.01:37
melodiefor now let's save the computers01:38
crashoverrideI know our society is complacent about being lying down in safety nets...01:38
buZzmelodie: you cant grow remaining in safe zones01:38
melodiefrom being dismantled, poor machines01:38
crashoverridebut that's not because it's popular that it's a good example :D01:38
melodiebuZz I'm not concerned01:38
melodiemy users are01:38
golinuxIsn't this getting a little far from devuan support?01:38
melodiebuZz I'll try mp3blaster for myself though01:39
golinuxtry #devuan-offtopic01:39
melodiegolinux fully in the topic01:39
crashoverridemaybe I should do screenshots to show you guys what is happening...01:39
melodieI am getting help finish polishing my very first Devuan install for a very old laptop01:39
golinuxArmchair psychology?01:40
golinuxfear and safety nets and  . . .01:40
melodiegolinux I save old machines for end users this time it's thanks to Devuan01:41
fsmithredcrashoverride, were you talking about full-disk-encryption earlier?01:42
golinuxmelodie: That's a good project.01:43
melodiethanks golinux01:43
adhocongoing support for older machines is always a challenge01:44
adhocI moced most my older machines from a variety of out of support debian to devuan last winter01:44
crashoverridefsmithred: I have a UEFI partition that has a EFI binary01:44
crashoverridefsmithred: I have a boot partition with a grub setup, an initramfs, vmlinuz and some other files01:45
crashoverride(configuration and modules)01:45
fsmithredboot partition is not encrypted?01:45
melodieadhoc I tried many in vbox yesterday, I even tried my own spins in the machine, but my spins work less well!01:45
melodieeven though they have openbox as desktop01:46
adhocmelodie: well with practice comes understanding =)01:46
crashoverridefsmithred: no01:46
adhocI am on my nine spin up of a flatcar install on a VM so the install to metal will be easier01:46
crashoverridefsmithred: it's a system I'm migrating from syslinux01:47
crashoverrideI made screenshots of the problem01:47
crashoverrideI'm trying to find a place to push them01:47
adhocmelodie: I know flatcar has nothing to do with devuan, but work has different needs =)01:47
adhocmelodie: the more you work with these systems, the faster you skills with it will grow =)01:54
melodieI still can't learn howto code, I can't find time for that kind of thing01:55
adhocyou can build up your skills.01:55
melodieso I just remix and tweak with the same refined recipe01:55
crashoverridein the order the screens are in.01:55
adhocmelodie: that is the beginning of it all =)01:55
melodieadhoc yes, almost 12 years now ^^01:56
melodiefrom pclinuxos to ubuntu and lately antiX01:56
crashoverridefsmithred: ok apparently the uploads didn't work01:56
crashoverrideone sec'01:56
melodieisn't there a remix / snapshot script in Devuan?01:56
fsmithredmelodie, yes. refractasnapshot01:57
adhocmelodie: "remix" script ?01:57
melodiefsmithred I'll give it a whirl!01:57
fsmithredrefractasnapshot-base and refractasnapshot-gui01:57
melodienice to know!01:57
melodieI'll bookmark it for now, thank you very much01:58
crashoverridenow working.02:03
crashoverridein the order they are happening.02:03
crashoverridethird screen gets stuck.02:04
crashoverridelike, for hours if I let it.02:04
fsmithredshouldn't be hours02:05
fsmithredhow did you make the efi boot image?02:06
fsmithredfor refractasnapshot I had to add some modules to avoid the blind mode error02:06
melodiefsmithred try adding "noquiet" at the end of the linux line and after that to end the line : --02:07
melodiealso this no video mode found, you could try "vga=ask"02:08
melodie(without the quotes)02:08
crashoverridefsmithred: the efi boot image was done by using the default install, and editing the gpt partition in via xxd.02:08
crashoverridebecause it was the wrong one.02:09
fsmithredthe boot option adds more grub modules?02:09
melodieok, good night, or well, a good one02:09
crashoverridefsmithred: ?02:09
fsmithredgood night mel02:09
crashoverridegnite melodie02:09
melodiethks fsmithred02:09
melodiethanks crashoverride02:09
crashoverridebut then I was able to boot without encryption02:09
fsmithredwhat's that?02:09
crashoverridecan I do that?02:09
crashoverrideor wait, what do you mean?02:10
fsmithredlook at your second screenshot02:10
fsmithredlinux line has additional words on it02:10
fsmithredI don't know what they mean02:10
crashoverrideit's not all, it's `all_video`02:11
fsmithredmy question...02:11
crashoverrideit's a module that has a dependency on all the other video ones02:11
fsmithredare those grub modules you are adding?02:11
crashoverrideso it inserts all of them02:11
crashoverridefsmithred: yes.02:11
crashoverrideexcept for linux, that's implied.02:11
fsmithredhere are the ones I added to the efi image to get rid of the error02:11
fsmithredefi_gop efi_uga ieee1275_fb vbe vga video_bochs video_cirrus jpeg png gfxterm02:11
fsmithredand I used a shotgun approach, so I don't know if all those are needed02:12
fsmithredand they are in addition to others02:12
crashoverrideI am also using a shotgun approach02:12
crashoverridelemme try02:12
fsmithred"others" refers to all the ones for filesystem types02:13
fsmithredor partition types02:13
crashoverridedid the same02:14
crashoverrideI didn't put that :)02:14
crashoverridebut lemme upload my list of modules02:14
crashoverridein case you see different ones02:14
crashoverride"others" isn't in the list btw02:17
fsmithredno, "others" means "ones that I didn't copy/paste here"02:17
fsmithredholy shit. Sorry, I'm not reading that. Make sure your partition types are in there.02:19
crashoverrideI AM SO HAPPY I DID A SCREENSHOT02:19
crashoverrideI just screenshot my manual (in the shell) insmod sequence02:20
fsmithredwhat do you mean?02:20
crashoverrideand I reached the initramfs02:20
crashoverrideso now...02:20
crashoverrideI can just mount my stuff in the linux ramfs02:21
crashoverridewhich is totally okay for now, because then it can BOOT.02:21
crashoverrideand I got past grub.02:21
crashoverrideand that is WHISKY TIME!02:21
crashoverrideI'll test a few combinations02:21
crashoverrideto see what works and what does not :P02:21
crashoverridebut OMG I thank you so much for pointing me at the missing modules.02:22
crashoverrideI had no idea that was the reason02:22
crashoverridenow I can safely panic :D02:23
crashoverrideso I rounded it down :)02:38
crashoverrideand now I could actually probably boot02:38
crashoverridelet's try02:38
crashoverrideok so I can get rid of the boot message that complains about me not having the video02:41
crashoverridebut now with my hardened initrd, it really is stuck02:41
crashoverrideand adding `debug` after the vmlinuz does not output anything more.02:44
crashoverridethe initfs provided by alpine do not contain cryptsetup or lvm02:45
crashoverridemine should, but...02:45
kiwi9I want to rebuild grub2 (or equivalent) to pick up another os.   In the past I would just purge grub-pc & -bin and then reinstall.    Can I do that with a Devuan install?03:09
kiwi9My setup is EFI03:10
crashoverridekiwi9: are you writing in the context of my problem?03:11
gnarfacekiwi9: there's already a tool for that.  you don't have to reinstall just run "update-grub"03:12
gnarface(or update-grub2)03:12
sgageupdate-grub has always gotten the job done for me.03:12
gnarfaceyou might need to use grub-install if you're moving to a new drive03:13
gnarfacenot sure about that though03:13
sgagesudo grub-install --recheck --no-floppy --force03:14
sgagefollowed by update-grub03:14
sgageThis will have EFI boot to the system you ran it from.03:14
sgageAlso, efibootmgr is your friend03:14
kiwi9thanks guys.  sorry crashoverride.  new problem.  going to try update grub & get the joy :-)03:14
kiwi9perfect thanks03:36
gnarfaceno problem03:36
gnarfaceactually a really good piece of advice i got a long time ago for dealing with debian is that whenever you have anything at all come up, the first thing you should do is check to see if someone already wrote a script for that03:38
gnarfacethere's over 60,000 packages... they didn't think of everything but odds are they thought of whatever you are doing03:39
XenguyHah, safely panic, that's a keeper03:41
unixbsdis it possible to install gtk 1.2 -dev development on devuan stable??09:08
masonunixbsd: You can always manually (back)port packages.15:08
masonunixbsd: Grab the source package, and see if it'll build, and then start modifying dependencies until either it builds or it's clear it's too big a shift to try.15:08
unixbsdthe problem is glib to recompile? glib locks down the systm.15:16
unixbsdwhy not chroot to debian sarge with 1.2 gtk, with debootstrap (chroot and compile it)?15:17
masonunixbsd: Oh, sure, chroots solve any number of issues.15:24
jonadabFor gtk1, you're going to need a lot of old dependencies.  Old versions of things like glibc.15:38
jonadabAnd modern compilers have warnings for a TON of things they didn't have warnings for back then, so trying to wade through all the compiler warnings to find any actually relevant errors, is going to be "fun".15:39
jonadabBut I don't think there's any fundamental reason it couldn't be compiled on a modern system.15:39
crashoverrideok, fsmithred, if I ever meet you, and I'm not in deep financial shit18:28
crashoverrideI'll treat you to a nice dinner18:28
crashoverridebecause devuan is just amazing.18:28
crashoverrideI never used it for work, and in general I stay away from all things linux and glibc18:28
crashoverridebut it is just amazingly usable.18:28
crashoverride(also, if anyone else is to congratulate on that, I'd happily invite them too under the same conditions)18:29
crashoverride(unless it's like 20+ people, that can start being pricey)18:29
fsmithredthanks. There's around a dozen of us.18:51
fsmithredI haven't actually counted lately.18:51
melodiehi mason !22:18
crashoverridefsmithred: so, I'm having a slight issue with the power management tools22:32
crashoverrideclosing the lid of my T440p does not put the machine to suspend-to-ram as configured22:32
fsmithredcrashoverride, are you running beowulf or chimaera?22:34
fsmithredit works for me in the latter only. Check the forum - there are some fixes that work for some people.22:34
crashoverridewhich I think is beowulf22:35
crashoverrideI mean I wrote my own suspend-to-ram in C.22:35
crashoverrideI just wanted it not to conflict with the pm utils22:35
crashoverrideno, not sure if it will22:36
melodiehello crashoverride fsmithred22:36
crashoverridehi melodie22:36
crashoverrideyou know what's the upside of spilling 5 bucks out of whisky on your desk?22:37
fsmithredgood cleaning agent?22:37
crashoverridefirst, yes22:37
crashoverridebut then, it smells good for weeks.22:37
melodieless to drink?22:37
crashoverridemelodie: nah I bought more.22:37
melodieis that good whisky?22:38
melodieold age?22:38
crashoverridegood != old22:38
crashoverridekinda like good people aren't always old people.22:38
crashoverrideusually, the more shit you've seen, the better you behave...22:38
melodie it can be both can't it?22:38
crashoverridebut for some...22:38
crashoverridebut it can also be young and very good.22:38
melodieis that so?22:38
crashoverridefor example, I got an exquisite 6 years old whisky once.22:39
fsmithredcrashoverride, I think you can remove pm-utils if you're not using it22:39
crashoverridefsmithred: ok, but then the dialogs are grayed...22:39
crashoverrideI don't like grayed dialogs :D22:39
fsmithredeven the ones you don't use?22:39
melodieI wouldn't either22:40
crashoverrideI wish there was a "don't display X" option22:40
melodieis there a way to do suspend when you don't have a swap partition?22:40
crashoverrideto ram?22:40
fsmithredsuspend to ram, hibernate to disk22:40
crashoverrideand even hibernate.22:41
melodienow is there a way to get a zram tool working in Devuan ? :p22:41
crashoverrideyou don't hibernate on the swap.22:41
fsmithredyeah, people have talked about using zram22:41
melodieI have no idea, never tried since the computer which had a cpu unable to let it do that22:41
fsmithredyeah, hibernate goes to swap22:41
crashoverridefsmithred: and what if you're swap's full?22:41
crashoverrideAFAIK there's another file for hibernation.22:42
fsmithrednot sure what happens then22:42
melodieSSD : no swap partition, let's not kill the ssd's22:42
fsmithredif so, I should be able to hibernate on this box22:42
crashoverridessds have dram cache now22:42
fsmithrednot gonna try it now22:42
melodiecrashoverride I don't know about dram cach22:42
melodiecrashoverride I don't know about dram cache22:42
crashoverridemelodie: it's usually not big enough to hibernate on22:43
melodieI have bought a 32GB Kingston SSD PATA for the old box I was telling you about yesterday22:43
crashoverridesorry, to fully swap on22:43
melodieget it22:43
crashoverridebut if you swap just a bit, it does not touch the SSD22:43
melodieanyway it's very fast, so no point it doing so, I'm just curious22:43
crashoverrideplus, recent SSDs have gotten a lot better at sustaining wear22:43
melodieI'll brb22:44
melodiecrashoverride fsmithred the Devuan ISO snapshot tool looks a lot like the one at antiX and MX, though I have seen a bunch of other stuff in the config file. Are they built from the same source?22:48
fsmithredmelodie, antix borrowed some code from refractasnapshot.22:49
fsmithredI think they actually used the refracta tools for some release(s) years ago and then wrote their own.22:49
melodieI have got used to their tools now, I like the start where the program asks if it's for redistribution or for oneself22:49
golinuxntix and refracta go back even before systemd22:49
crashoverrideyeah but when you've used a tool for years, you're akin to develop something similar22:49
melodiegolinux what is ntix?22:50
fsmithredyou can adjust it for yourself by editing the rsync excludes file22:50
fsmithredand the config file22:50
melodieantiX was already there since several years when I heard about it first time : back in 200622:50
golinuxWe used to hang out on the refracta forum when it still existed before devuan was a thing22:51
melodiefsmithred I'll have to give a look at the rsync exclude file. When I will be using it on a more powerful machine :D22:51
fsmithredthe default settings exclude the stuff that you don't want to share22:51
fsmithredlike ssh and gpg keys22:51
melodiegolinux what is refracta? a distro?22:51
fsmithredyes, a devuan respin22:51
fsmithredformerly a debian respin22:52
melodieso which one is older, refracta or devuan?22:52
melodieoh ok22:52
fsmithredI've had the project for 10 years and it's a couple years older than that22:52
melodiewas refracta a unique one or built after Debian?22:52
golinuxSorry can't type and wanted to get there before fsmithred .  Shouldn;t even try . . .22:53
fsmithredused debian repos, now uses devuan22:53
melodiegolinux np22:53
fsmithredtry it, you'll like it22:53
melodieDevuan is amazing22:53
golinuxYeah, problem.22:53
fsmithredxfce mostly without metapackages22:53
golinuxYes it is.  :)22:53
melodiefsmithred what do I need to try? Refracta?22:53
fsmithredand somewhat lighter apps22:53
melodieI'll give it a try in vbox first22:54
fsmithredlive-isos only. No debian/devuan installer22:54
fsmithredlots of extra tools installed22:54
fsmithredyeah, just refractainstaller, which people seem to either love or hate22:54
melodiecan it be rebuilt, with the same kind of snapshot tool?22:54
fsmithredyeah, that's the whole point22:54
melodieso what about refractainstaller?22:55
golinuxjust what it says it is22:55
fsmithredyou can even boot the live, make changes in the live session, and then install to disk with those changes22:55
melodiegolinux I mean : what difference with the Devuan installer?22:55
fsmithredit copies the running session to hard disk22:55
fsmithredusing rsync.22:55
golinuxGoes pretty fast22:56
fsmithreddebian/devuan installer installs and configures packages22:56
melodiethat's ok, isn't it? You can choose the dest partition can't you?22:56
fsmithredcan't do raid or lvm with it (unless you do some stuff manually)22:56
melodieconfigures packages… so... ?22:56
fsmithredyou can have separate /home and /boot if you want22:56
melodiegood I never do raid or lvm22:56
melodieI'm not that kind of geek :D22:56
fsmithredconfiguring packages takes time22:57
fsmithredand if you netinstall, there's also download time22:57
fsmithredit will let you encrypt partitions22:57
melodieI don't encrypt either22:58
melodieI'm not confident enough in the encryption tools to not damage something and then data can't be retrieved22:58
melodiefsmithred yes, configuring packages is huge22:59
melodiethe day before I tried in vbox : void22:59
melodieno go, not stable22:59
melodieI tried q4os22:59
fsmithredwere you compiling packages from source?23:00
melodieafter almost a day it had not finished to install, was not even half there23:00
melodiefsmithred no I didn't23:00
melodieI seldom compile packages, and only in installed distros23:00
melodieand very small programs such as gscreenshot or FF Multi Converter23:01
melodieor Shake23:01
melodieI had installed Slax in Bento antiX, and after I almost finished having it in French it started to go to pieces and break23:02
melodieand wondering how I would explain simple users how to save their file in there o_023:02
melodieold machine rebuilding Devuan now 22%23:04
melodieI guess it will take a few more hours, the cpu is going to get a good jump into the present times! XD23:04
melodiethe targeted aim : get it under 700MB XD (wish me luck! ^^)23:05
ShadowM00nhello; does anyone know if any recent updates related to grub or other boot packages have been known to break anything lately? I ask because I have a system that only boots to a GRUB command line, but can be booted manually thereafter.23:06
ShadowM00nupdate-grub && grub-install does not fix the issue, either23:06
melodieShadowM00n is it a hard drive or a ssd?23:07
fsmithredget what under 700mb? installation or making a snapshot?23:07
ShadowM00nmelodie: technically neither. it's under hyper-v23:08
fsmithredShadowM00n, remove grub-efi-amd64-signed23:08
fsmithredunless you need secure boot23:08
fsmithredor fall back to the previous version of grub23:09
crashoverridewhat, grub paid microsoft to get their code signed?!23:09
ShadowM00nsecure boot is disabled and always has been23:09
fsmithredremove the signed package23:09
ShadowM00nattempting now23:09
fsmithredyou'll keep the unsigned package grub-efi-amd6423:09
ShadowM00nyeah, looking like it23:10
ShadowM00ndo I need to re-run the grub updater or reinstall grub?23:10
melodiecrashoverride me thinks the first one was Mark Shuttleworth (commercial agreement or whatever)23:10
fsmithredsorry, I can't remember if you do or not.23:10
ShadowM00nI'll run it to be safe23:10
fsmithredshould see if update-grub ran in the terminal23:10
crashoverridemelodie: possibly yes23:10
fsmithredyeah, grub-install && update-grub23:11
ShadowM00nthere it is23:11
ShadowM00nthank you very much fsmithred; I've been banging my head on this for an hour23:11
fsmithredyeah, it's a $prefix issue. It's hard-coded to look for EFI/debian23:12
ShadowM00noh wow23:12
fsmithredother fix is to make EFI/debian/grub.cfg23:12
fsmithredother other fix is to 'grub-install --bootloader-id=debian'23:13
fsmithredand then the boot menu says Debian23:13
ShadowM00nI'm perfectly ok with removing a needless package as the solution in this case, but that is very good to know23:13
fsmithredIt was Debian who paid Microsoft for a signed bootloader23:14
fsmithredyears after ubuntu did it23:14
melodiefsmithred that's a lot of possibilities. Is that written on a wiki or doc page somewhere?23:14
fsmithredI think we said something about it in the original release notes. It's been a recurrent problem23:15
melodiehow does Debian have money for that kind of thing?23:15
melodiefsmithred oh ok23:15
fsmithredthey're big23:15
fsmithredlots of developers23:15
fsmithredincluding some who also work for Canonical23:15
melodieShadowM00n are you going to write these tips somewhere on the web?23:15
fsmithredit's also been discussed on the forum23:16
melodiefsmithred wonderful and amazing at same time23:16
melodieoh ok23:16
ShadowM00nmelodie: apparently it's already on the Web, and I didn't search hard enough, because I didn't realise it was devuan-specific. Asking here was a bit of a hail-mary on my part. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯23:19
ShadowM00nI kind of wonder how I made it this far with it, tbh23:19
melodieShadowM00n is it on the Devuan online doc?23:19
melodieShadowM00n don't wonder, just send a silent thanks to your foss angel XD23:20
melodiealso maybe you are just tenacious enough23:20
ShadowM00nmelodie: no, I mean, why it didn't act up before. I have an ansible thing going for auto-updates, and I wonder if something marked it for automatic install or something, or if I was lucky for another reason23:22
melodiegood luck finding out23:24
fsmithredit came with an update around a week ago23:28
ShadowM00n found the forum reference you mentioned, for anyone playing along from home23:28
ShadowM00nI see, makes sense. Gentoo had a grub update as well around the same time. Theirs disabled os-prober by default, so I guess I should've expected that there'd be odd things elsewhere too.23:30
fsmithredcrashoverride, did you find this one yet?
fsmithreddisabled os-prober? That's an odd thing to do.23:31
ShadowM00nyeah, per the ebuild postinst instructions, it was disabled "due to security concerns"23:32
ShadowM00none can re-enable it by setting GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER to false in /etc/default/grub23:32
ShadowM00nuncertain if that's gentoo-specific or upstream, from your reaction23:33
ShadowM00nI don't see an obvious patch in the ebuild directory, though. This references grub-2.06_rc123:34
ShadowM00nanyway, thanks again; fighting with GRUB's always tedious.23:42
fsmithredon grub 2.02 here in beowulf, 2.04.16 in chimaera23:43
fsmithredthat's the one that introduced the latest problem23:43
melodiefsmithred disabling os-prober can be handy occasionnally : ie you have your distro on an external USB SSD and you don't want Grub to remember all systems it has met with in different computers (my recent experience)23:44
fsmithredyeah, that makes sense23:44
fsmithredwould be nice if it was a command-line option23:45
fsmithredI guess you can just use grub-mkconfig instead of update-grub if you don't want os-prober to run23:46
melodiewhat advantage does it provide?23:49
fsmithredos-prober? It adds other systems to the boot menu23:49
melodieavoiding to run os-prober23:49
fsmithredyou already stated a good purpose23:49
fsmithredto avoid doing that23:49
fsmithredthanks for the idea23:50
melodieyes, if I set it to false in the /etc/default/grub and run update-grub it won't add new systems to its boot stanza23:50
melodiewell I realized recently instead of bothering with live usb, why not real one on a hdd or ssd in a usb box meant for? (Not sure what the name is in English)23:51
fsmithredI've noticed that is also does not add encrypted systems23:51
melodieI would not know23:51
fsmithredan installed system23:52
melodieI have never studied grub 2 deeply nor it's options, I learn one thing when in need23:52
fsmithredknowing how to boot from grub command-line can be useful23:52
melodieoh yes, I've done that, long ago23:53
melodieI'm not sure I would know how now, I don't even have the schme in mind (hd0,1)? Or?23:54
fsmithredyeah, that'll work23:55
fsmithredyou can also use tab-completion to see what's there23:55
fsmithreddisks count from 0, partitions count from 123:55

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