libera/#devuan/ Tuesday, 2021-07-13

plasma41chomwitt: o/00:46
chomwitti just install Devuan4 on my desktop with LXQt and runit01:05
aplainzetakindWhat's in the 'console productivity' item of the software selection section of the installer?12:59
debdoghehe, bsdgames13:05
aplainzetakindHmm. Post installation, I get a grub prompt instead of a menu.13:28
fsmithredaplainzetakind, what did you install? (what iso did you use?)14:36
fsmithreduefi or legacy bios boot?14:36
aplainzetakindfsmithred: After a bunch of retries, it worked.14:38
aplainzetakindReinstalling without making a change to the EFI or GRUB partitions seems to end up with a broken boot.14:38
aplainzetakindDespite grub being reinstalled apparently.14:39
fsmithredone problem that people run into is the signed grub-efi package. Sometimes removing that is what is needed. Use the unsigned if you're not using secure boot.14:41
fsmithredapt remove grub-efi-amd64-signed14:41
fsmithredgrub-efi-amd64 will remain14:41
aplainzetakindEveryhing seems fine now, but I had to create a new partition table.14:54
fsmithreddid you need to change the type of partition table?15:00
fsmithredand did you install beowulf or chimaera?15:02
rwpaplainzetakind, It seems somewhat concerning that "After a bunch of retries, it worked." and that "had to create a new partition table" neither of which are normal.19:50
rwpTherefore I worry that there is some deeper problem that is causing this trouble.19:50
aplainzetakindrwp: Such as? Hardware?21:01
golinuxaplainzetakind: Perhaps this is relevant?
golinuxSome one the icons in Xfce/chimaera have been redesigned and are FUGLY21:31
golinuxOops wrong place21:32
rwpaplainzetakind, No idea.  Works perfectly here.  Why would running something multiple times result suddenly in a different result?  Why did the installer's partition table need to be created again new?  No idea.  But it's not normal.22:40
aplainzetakindrwp: Multiple times didn't really work. Doing something to destroy the old grub/efi partitions worked. Somehow something from the old install lingered is my guess.22:56
aplainzetakindJust reinstalling grub to the existing grub partition turned out borked.22:57
nemowhat fun... I have like 15 perl packages that depend on old version of perl23:04
nemoand are blocking update to new perl23:04
nemook fine. I run perl-updater --all-modules23:04
nemowhich errors because dev-perl/Math-Base36 depends on EAPI 8 which depends on new portage which is what I am currently struggling to update23:05
nemobah. time to do something less frustrating with my day23:05
nemohm. maybe I can make a temporary old api ebuild23:05
nemoweird too, it looks like the two versions are identical apart from api bump23:06
rwpaplainzetakind, Have seen multiple reports that people installing Debian/Devuan/Ubuntu/Mint/etc along side Windows causes problems due to the shared ESP EFI partition.23:23
rwpAFAICT the installer does not clean the ESP partition but expects all files there to follow the UEFI protocols and be a shared work space.23:23
rwpWhich I assume must work in theory.  But have seen multiple reports of problems with people trying to share it with MS boots.23:24
rwpI know nothing about this because none of my systems are multi-boot systems.  I just know what people have reported here about it.23:24
fsmithredevery motherboard is a snowflake23:24
rwpSometimes people will say that they decided to wipe the disk and do a clean install and then they report that everything was okay subsequently.  (shrug)23:25
rwpnemo, "perl-updater"??  Never heard of it but it sounds like something that manages non-packaged upgrades?  Sounds likely to cause conflicts to me...23:26
rwpSounds similar but /usr/bin/cpan is a different utility.23:27
rwpOne which works with the installed perl to install CPAN modules in /usr/local and is generally well behaved in that regard.23:27
plasma41nemo: ebuild? Are running some Devuan/Gentoo hybrid?23:41

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