libera/#devuan/ Wednesday, 2021-07-21

kittyanyone know if this effects the kernel in Devuan?10:41
kittyI'm guessing the systemd related vulnerability at the bottom is just a giggle point for us ?10:42
HurgotronI'm quite sure it affects Devuan, since it seems to affect every Linux kernel younger than 2014.10:45
kittyis 4.19.0-17 fixing it ?10:46
Hurgotronkitty: 4.19.194-3 fixes it, as of today.10:51
kittyapt-get dist-upgrade gives me 4.19.0-1710:51
Hurgotronkitty: dpkg -l | grep linux-image-4.19.0-1710:52
Hurgotronii  linux-image-4.19.0-17-amd64                                 4.19.194-3                                   amd64        Linux 4.19 for 64-bit PCs (signed)10:52
Hurgotronlook at the second number10:52
HurgotronIt's also in uname -a, in case you're unsure about the active image10:53
kittyLinux Pratchett 4.19.0-16-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.181-1 (2021-03-19) x86_64 GNU/Linux10:55
Hurgotronwell that could be more recent in any case :)10:55
kittyit's only one version off10:56
kittyLinux Tardos 4.19.0-17-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.194-3 (2021-07-18) x86_64 GNU/Linux10:56
HurgotronPatchlevel matters10:56
Hurgotronin general, if you find the CVE in /usr/share/doc/linux-image-4.19.0-17-amd64/changelog.gz the issue is addressed. Otherwise not10:57
kittyahah, that's where it is10:58
Hurgotronmeh, had to force apt to ipv4 to get the updates. Packages missing on some ipv6 server(s)11:06
onefangMight just be being slow updating.  Which mirrors?11:08
Hurgotron 404  Not Found [IP: 2001:878:346::116 80]11:09
kittyyeah, I got 404's on some mirrors too11:11
kittyretried, picked up another mirror, worked fine11:11
kittyhad this on a couple of machiens11:11
Hurgotronslow updates, likely.11:12
Hurgotrongiving -o Acquire::ForceIPv4=true as an apt option worked for me11:12, hasn't completed the latest round of updates yet.  It's still within it's update window though.11:13
Hurgotrongotcha, thanks11:13
Hurgotronhmm, unrelated: I just noticed that I can't directly read gzip'd text files with less anymore. I think "lesspipe" gave me that fuctionality but that package doesn't seem to be available. Has it been replaced?11:16
rrqdon't know; I use zless11:22
Hurgotronlesspipe could also read pdf on the commandline (well the text parts), and other stuff11:23
HurgotronI could imagine it was removed due to security concerns, after all, it was a shell filter with format autodetection and I can see all kinds of things groing wrong with it11:23
HurgotronBut I can't find any info offhand11:24
rrqseems like beowulf-backports' less package has moved its binaries into /usr/bin11:25
rrqprobably part of debians merged-usr nonsense11:26
rodrI installed beowulf with mate desktop and lightdm fails to start12:27
rodrhow to solve it?12:27
fsmithredrodr, maybe run 'dpkg-reconfigure lightdm'12:28
fsmithreddoes startx work?12:29
rodrthe dpkg- did not anything12:31
rodrstartx fails with "cannot run in framebuffer mode"12:32
fsmithredis it amd hardware? some systems need firmware-amd-graphics to work12:40
fsmithredI'm not very good with diagnosing xorg problems. See /var/log/Xorg.0.log for errors (EE)12:41
rodryes it is amd12:49
rodrwill try firmware then12:49
rodrnow it works12:54
kittyanyone here an expert in nftables or IP tables?14:48
kittyI'm trying to work out how to allow certain UDP traffic through my devuan router, I have public IP's on all devices, so don't need NAT. yet all the examples I find are based on NAT.14:48
kittyI don't want to just allow UDP port 123 and 53 through for everything14:48
GyrosGeierdo you want connection tracking (to make replies come through), or do you want to have server-to-server connections only (which for ntp has 123 on both sides)?14:53
kittyconnection tracking14:55
kittyI finally worked it out I think14:55
kitty        udp sport 53 ct state established counter accept;14:55
kitty        udp dport 53 ct state new,established counter accept;14:56
kittyand the same for port 12314:56
kittyallow out, do not allow back in14:56
kittyor rather allow out, allow answers back in, do not allow anyone else in14:56
kittyWoo, I think my firewall config is up and working!15:46
brocashelm - Devuan Ascii Initial Impressions on a New Install21:38
UsLascii? Old stable. Hope he does a chimaera as well.22:24
brocashelmthis was last june, but yeah, he seems to be actively making videos. he was one of the early adopters of devuan i came across circa 2016 when he wasn't happy with mint's direction beyond lmde2/lm1722:31
brocashelmto sum up the video (for those who didn't watch it): he praised devuan for being so good at handling resources (even with obs and libreoffice running in the background), swap wasn't an afterthought with 800 mb being used all at once on a mate desktop22:32
golinuxThis is a good tour of the desktop
eyalrozSo, I installed chimaera...23:01
eyalroz(from scratch, not  by dist-upgrade'ing)23:01
eyalrozand am now using it.23:01
eyalrozI have a bunch of issues/bugs/complaints to report...23:01
eyalrozabout 15 of them actually.23:01
eyalrozHow should I best do that?23:02
brocashelmtry the forums at dev1galaxy.org23:05
golinuxOne per post please23:07
golinuxOtherwise, it gets messy quickly23:08
golinuxSearch first for solutions23:08
jason1234eyalroz: the installer is recommeded. anyhow debootstrap does not work that well. be aware, that chimaera is qquite good now, before it was not that.23:20
eyalrozjason1234: I used the installer23:20
jason1234eyalroz: sound good. the insatller is quite robust. when it comes to grub2, this is mostly issue of grub guys. the grub is quite unreliable (installer).23:20
eyalrozgolinux: I will, but - I've gotten past most of the issues; there was nothing critical.23:21
eyalrozjason1234: No grub issues luckily.23:21
jason1234eyalroz: good to hear23:21
jason1234eyalroz: is networking working?23:21
eyalrozOh yes, there was nothing major23:22
eyalrozI'll give you just one example:23:22
eyalrozWhen logging into my user the first time, I'm offered several options for my "Default Window Manager" for LXQt. But - I didn't choose LXQT to be my session manager in the first place.23:22
eyalrozs/session manager/desktop environment/23:23
fsmithredwhat did you choose for a desktop?23:23
jason1234eyalroz: so it net works, sounds very good23:25
eyalrozfsmithred: I'm a Cinnamon man.23:25
jason1234sddm or slim are quite good to use23:25
fsmithredis pulseaudio missing?23:25
jason1234if nothing works, try slim.23:25
eyalrozfsmithred: No, but I should mention I installed (almost) all packages I had installed on beowulf,23:26
jason1234you can use alsa or pulseaudio, if you choose kde, the devuan/debian works but nothing in kde desktop is totally working. usually rpm distros with kde work better than (KDE desk).  than on debian/devuan.23:26
eyalroz(after saving them with apt-mark showmanual)23:26
eyalrozjason1234: While I hate GNOME with a passion, I'm also not quite at home with KDE...23:27
fsmithredposting on the forum is a good place to start so that we can sort out our own bugs from debian's.23:27
eyalrozfsmithred: I'll do that then, probably starting tomorrow.23:28
eyalrozOh, wait, it already is tomorrow where I'm at.23:28
golinuxeyalroz: That's good progress then!23:30
eyalrozgolinux: The dev1galaxy human-or-bot questions are hard :-(23:31
fsmithredeyalroz, you can cheat. Just ask us.23:38
eyalrozfsmithred: I managed. But I failed with the "What's the default desktop environment on Devuan?" question. It's actually a pretty bad question to use, seeing how the answer changes based on the version one is using.23:39
fsmithredthe default desktop has been xfce in all our releases23:40
fsmithredbut yeah, the questions kinda suck. We couldn't find a way around that.23:41
eyalrozfsmithred: Has it really?
eyalrozfsmithred: Also, if one enters xfce4, that would probably not be acceted either.23:57
fsmithredI have already installed xfce several times with the new isos23:57
fsmithredI have not tried any other desktops23:57
fsmithredand it might all be different next week when the new task-*-desktop packages move down from ceres23:58
eyalrozfsmithred: Well, in my issue, I'm obviously describing the current state of affairs.23:58

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