libera/#devuan/ Saturday, 2021-08-28

systemdlete(sorry pasted in the wrong "box"...)06:59
debdoguhoh, hope the other box doesn't mind07:04
APicJust for the Record: Current Mesa-Git Version 21.3.0-devel still has the Graphics-Glitch-Bug. I used git-bisect and found out Commit f62724ccacffb2a1508647e9004adf02f92f7833 introduced the Problem. I reported it to #DRI-Devel on OFTC, and got pointed to\11:54
APicThis fixes the Bug 😸11:55
mrohow would one install openjdk-11-jre-headless on beowulf or isn't there a package (backports etc)?11:56
mrooh meant openjdk-16-jre-headless11:56
djphmro: I doubt one would13:10
mrodjph: lol, thx.16:11
fsmithredmro, https://pkginfo.devuan.org16:12
mro@fsmithred: yes,*openjdk-16*&x=submit is talking about ceres, not so beowulf. So I was wondering.16:13
fsmithredit shows all suites16:14
fsmithredthe version you were asking about is in ceres16:14
fsmithredjust search the package name. I searched for openjdk*headless16:15
mroceres isn't mentioned on so I guess it's unstable.16:18
fsmithredyeah, ceres is the unstable suite. I guess you have to poke around the main site to see all the names.16:25
fsmithredmro, -15 -16 and -17 are in ceres, and -17 is also in chimaera, which is almost ready to be released as stable.16:27
mro@fsmithred: I'll wait until chimera/ceres then, thx!16:28
ham5urgWhen I do debootstrap --include task-gnome-desktop --arch amd64 chimaera /mnt I get a systemd-dependency-error:
ham5urgIs this due to unstable/chimaera?16:30
ham5urgOr can I circumvent it?16:30
fsmithredham5urg, I'm trying a chimaera debootstrap now, and I'm getting libelogind0, not libsystemd0. I did not include the gnome task. Just minimal.16:51
ham5urgI did that too, but after installing task-gnome-dekstop the system had broken dependencies. Did not wanted to fix but reinstalled, this time from the beginning via debootstrap.16:52
ham5urgI did it with stable and task-gnome-desktop:
fsmithredthat might be the problem.17:01
fsmithreduse codenames, especially now that stable is both bullseye and beowulf. They don't match.17:02
fsmithrednm, you already did that.17:04
ham5urgYes, Gnome is not installable at this moment, am I correct?17:14
fsmithredask me again in a few minutes and I might know the answer17:15
fsmithredzenity just scrolled by17:15
fsmithredno errors yet17:15
ham5urgI gonna retry stable and unstable17:21
fsmithredhang on, I'm almost done, I think17:22
fsmithreddone. no errors.17:29
fsmithreddebootstrap --arch amd64 chimaera chi-test
fsmithredchroot chi-test/17:30
fsmithredapt install task-gnome-desktop17:30
fsmithredin retrospect, I recommend picking a faster mirror17:30
ham5urgMmmh. I did debootstrap --include task-gnome-desktop --arch amd64 stable /mnt
ham5urgI got the same error again:17:32
ham5urgI will try it with apt install task-gnome-desktop17:33
fsmithredyeah, something might need to be configured before gnome gets installed17:33
fsmithredany more information in debootstrap.log?17:34
ham5urgI just restarted debootstrap. Where do I find debootstrap.log?17:35
fsmithredin /mnt/debootstrap17:35
fsmithredexcept I don't have it17:35
fsmithredyou're using devuan debootstrap, right?17:36
ham5urgtoo late, already formated and restarted debootstrap. If you want, I retry it after this attempt.17:36
fsmithredI have var/log/bootstrap.log17:38
ham5urgNow it went through without problem. Sorry for bothering17:49
fsmithredglad it worked. I guess there is a problem somewhere, but I don't know if we'll find it.18:00
fsmithredgotta go. bbl.18:00
sadoon_albader[mAre the packages on devuan chimaera frozen yet/18:18
sadoon_albader[mweechat-matrix is broken, but the one from ceres works excellent18:19
sadoon_albader[mI manually installed v 0.3 over 0.2 which does not work and is shipped in chimaera18:19
ham5urgWhen I try from a fresh gnome (task-gnome-desktop) to start a gnome-terminal I get this:19:00
ham5urg# Error constructing proxy for org.gnome.Terminal:/org/gnome/Terminal/Factory0: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.gnome.Terminal: Process org.gnome.Terminal exited with status 819:00
ham5urgWhat could be the cause?19:00
joachinI had the same problem, you need yo set the LANG in your locale19:02
joachinnano /etc/default/locale19:02
joachinand then add LANG=en_US.UTF-8. Once you have done so, reboot your computer.19:02
ham5urgjoachin, do I have to install locales pkg?19:04
joachinI think that the package is automatically installed. If you don't have it, install it.19:06
ham5urgI debootstraped, seems to be missed.19:06
joachinwell, try to install it, and add the locale. Reboot, and let us know if that helps19:07
n4dirnot that sure if a reboot is needed.19:07
joachinmaybe  log out and log in19:08
ham5urgjoachin, thanks. It worked out.19:17
ham5urgIs the correct way to install locales -> edit /etc/locales.gen -> generate locales -> edit /etc/default/locales ?19:18
joachinham5urg: You're welcome19:19
joachinmmm.... I think that devuan doest it automatically.19:19
ham5urgI'm building some scripts to install devuan via debootstrap, so I ran into this19:20
joachinmmm.. I don't know that tbh.19:21
n4dirto install locales "apt-get install locales", but you probably meant how to set default?19:23
n4diri won't bet, it has been quite a few years i installed.19:23
ham5urgnevermind, just a small issue19:24
Vallsorry, line noise.20:29
underwaterIs this room active ?20:47
ham5urgHow do I set the timezone after a deboostrapped a new system? I installed ntpd and changed /etc/timezone to "Europe/Berlin". I restartet ntpd but the time did not changed. The time is correct if UTC is used but not if localtime (+2) is desired.20:47
ham5urgI guess "ls /etc/localtime -al" is my friend20:49
fsmithredham5urg, dpkg-reconfigure tzdata20:50
fsmithredalso dpkg-reconfigure locales20:50
ham5urgI need a non-interactive way for scripting20:51
fsmithredand dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration20:51
fsmithredok, I think most of those set things in /etc/default/20:51
fsmithredjust make the settings manually once and see what changes in the files. Then you can script it.20:51
ham5urg "ls /etc/localtime -al" indeed is my friend20:53
n4dirthe question might also be: why that debootstrap approach at all, what is the real goal?20:56
ham5urg_Would this had a chance to get into repo (Suse maintains repos for various dists but not for devuan) ?21:20
fsmithredsure they do, ham5urg_. The one for sid would be the right one.21:22
ham5urg_I tried for unstable21:23
fsmithreddosn't work or doesn't install?21:23
ham5urg_does not install. The debian as well as the ubuntu versions do not install. Unmet deps.21:24
fsmithredham5urg_, I don't see a deb package. How did you try to install it?21:33
fsmithredungoogled-chromium depends on ungoogled-chromium-common21:41
fsmithredit choked on two other packages, which are in repo. Weird thing is that 'apt -f install' does not add them.21:42
fsmithredmaybe because the third package is unavailable. Apt wants to remove ungoogled-chromium21:42
fsmithredinstall those two packages first and then it just chokes on the missing -common package.21:44
fsmithredham5urg_, it installs and runs fine21:50
fsmithredremove chromium and chromium sandbox first21:50
fsmithredinstall libjsoncpp24 and libre2-921:50
fsmithredinstall the two ungoogled debs21:51
fsmithredI'm in chimaera. I used the sid version.21:51
underwaterHi. When is the next release going to happen ?23:26
golinuxOfficially, soon.  But many are already happily using chimaera fromt eh test isos.23:29
golinuxfrom the23:29
c0rneliusgolinux: Is the sources.list gonna remain the same `minus the name change` or is it gonna mimic Bullseye?23:32
masonc0rnelius: The security repo renaming *shouldn't* carry over but we should confirm that.23:41
masonAdding it to my task list to check.23:41
c0rneliusmason: thanx23:42
golinuxJust substitute "chimaera" for "beowulf" in your sources.list.  Not sure what you mean by "mimic bullseye".23:42
masongolinux: Have we mapped the new Bullseye security repository already?23:42
golinuxI have no idea.23:42
masonIt's not the same name as it was under Buster.23:42
c0rneliusThe sources.list setup is slightly diff in Bullseye than  beowulf and buster.23:42
masonRight. So, I'll check.23:43
masonc0rnelius: FWIW, they've "backported" the naming so you can use the new form in Buster, but that doesn't help with this question.23:43
golinuxI am several releases behind.23:43
masonI'll make a noise as soon as I find out.23:43
c0rneliusNice to know though :)23:43
TenkawaI believe part of the curiosity is Devuan taking the same repository shift into account that Debian did for Bullseye?23:44
masonMm, and that'll involve looking at Amprolla config.23:44
Tenkawathey renamed paths for some of the repos incuding security23:45
masonAnyway, got to go snag dinner, groceries, but I'll check as soon as I can.23:45
golinuxGace fun . . .23:45

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