libera/##covid-19/ Sunday, 2022-12-11

BrainstormNew from r/Science: science: In a cross-sectional study of health data from five New York City hospitals, researchers identified six distinct, clinically relevant, COVID-19 subphenotypes present on admission, which are associated with risk for mortality, intubation, ICU [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from StatNews: Health: STAT+: ‘We’ve got a new target’: Bispecific antibody for multiple myeloma succeeds in mid-stage trial →
BrainstormUpdates for Slovakia: +288 cases since 13 hours ago02:03
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: The window to contain Josiah Grindrod has closed (@JT_Grindrod): Why don't you look up what happened to SARS 1 survivors you dumb shit.That goes for you too, @nataliesurely… →
BrainstormNew from This Week In Virology: TWiV 961: Chiara Mingarelli takes the pulse of the universe: Astrophysicist Chiara Mingarelli joins TWiV to discuss her career and her work using pulse timing arrays to study the gravitational wave background, ripples in the fabric of spacetime that are caused by events such as the merging of black holes. →
BrainstormUpdates for Tokyo, Japan: +14558 cases, +24 deaths since 23 hours ago — Kanagawa, Japan: +9067 cases, +16 deaths since 23 hours ago — Aichi, Japan: +8523 cases, +18 deaths since 23 hours ago — Saitama, Japan: +7864 cases, +15 deaths since 23 hours ago07:01
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: Extended SARS-CoV-2 RBD booster vaccination induces humoral and cellular immune tolerance in mice →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Daily Discussion Thread | December 11, 2022: Please refer to our Wiki for more information on COVID-19 and our sub. You can find answers to frequently asked questions in our FAQ , where there is valuable information such as our: →
BrainstormUpdates for Taiwan: +14083 cases, +38 deaths, +17562 tests since a day ago09:06
BrainstormUpdates for Jammu and Kashmir, India: +5 cases since a day ago10:08
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Gunhild Alvik Nyborg (@GANyborg): Long COVID from a patient perspective  Doctors who deny the stories of these patients by saying it is “all in their head” are in fact disrespecting suffering fellow human beings. It hampers research to find causes&cures & jeopardizes our societies due [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Marc Veldhoen (@Marc_Veld): It Isn't Just Long COVID. Post-Viral Illnesses Are More Common Than You ThinkInfections are not good, and in some cases can result in longterm illness. An important renewed focus of research.… →
BrainstormUpdates for Russia: +7096 cases, +51 deaths since a day ago11:10
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: Protection of 2 and 3 mRNA Vaccine Doses Against Severe Outcomes Among Adults Hospitalized with COVID-19 – VISION Network, August 2021 – March 2022 →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: (translated) Penguinone (@penguinone): The doctors collective, @ArtsenC, the non-scientific even science-denying department of Dutch caregivers, is once again spreading nonsense. Here the story that vaccination would reduce blood stem cells in newborns. →
BrainstormUpdates for China: +27746 cases, +24 deaths since 23 hours ago — Hong Kong: +14918 cases, +24 deaths since 23 hours ago13:02
BrainstormUpdates for Israel: +1065 cases since 19 hours ago14:04
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: Alpha to Omicron: Disease Severity and Clinical Outcomes of Major SARS-CoV-2 Variants →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Marc Veldhoen (@Marc_Veld): LongCOVID may not be just one disease and comparing it to other known long-term consequences of infections, such as ME/CVS, may not hold if we are not satisfying patients. That is helpful and important for science and treatment.… →
-Bridgestorm- 🏠 Sismo! Earthquake! 5.9 Mw tremor, registered by EMSC,ObservatoryHK, occurred 17 minutes ago (14:31:37 UTC), during daytime, El Ticui, Mexico (17.43, -100.4), ↓25 km likely felt 250 km away (in Acapulco, Atoyac de Álvarez, San Jerónimo de Juárez, Chilpancingo, Tlacotepec…) by 896200 people (Twitter)15:49
BrainstormUpdates for Bangladesh: +29 cases, +1591 tests since a day ago16:09
BrainstormNew from StatNews: Biotech: STAT+: Argenx antibody drug benefits patients with platelet-destroying autoimmune disorder →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Too far? Elon Musk calls for Anthony Fauci to be ‘prosecuted’ →
LjL-MatrixNow, that vitriol could very well be intensified. Elon Musk, who purchased Twitter earlier this year, posted earlier today that his ‘pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci’, mocking gender self-identification in the process.17:06
LjL-MatrixI restored the twitter RSS gateway but I'm not sure I'll want to endorse Twitter, or for that matter that the serious medical tweeters will, for very long given this hill17:07
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Authorities are urging indoor masking in major cities as the 'tripledemic' rages →
BrainstormNew from r/Science: science: In this qualitative study, doctors and scientists claimed to be the subject of a wide variety of censorship and suppression tactics used against them by both the medical establishment and the media, due to their critical and unorthodox positions [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from r/Science: science: Electrochemical cell could detect airborne SARS-CoV-2 – Physics World →
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): CoronaVirus_2019_nCoV: Hospitals accelerate preps for winter surge of RSV, Covid and flu →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): Why are long-lived lung, tissue-resident memory T cells so important vs Covid ?…@NatRevImmunol Francis Carbone @TheDohertyInst @UniMelb →
BrainstormNew from CDC EIDJ: (news): A United Response to COVID-19—an Artist’s Perspective →
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: Effects of l-Arginine Plus Vitamin C Supplementation on Physical Performance, Endothelial Function, and Persistent Fatigue in Adults with Long COVID →
BrainstormUpdates for Azerbaijan: +68 cases since a day ago21:01
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): "When it comes to protecting seniors, we’re doing a terrible job of that in this country”… by @CarlaKJohnson @laura_ungar @AP @APHealthScience In many states, Covid hospitalizations for people 70+  are higher than during their BA.2 [... want %more?] →
BrainstormUpdates for Montenegro: +43 cases since 23 hours ago22:04
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Dr Doug McNeall (@dougmcneall): I’m pretty certain that covid Twitter fed through to policy response, probably globally. Experts in overlapping domains sharing information that got through to more official channels. I think it happens in other fields too. →
BrainstormUpdates for Canada: +806 cases, +1 deaths since 23 hours ago23:06
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: (translated) Penguinone (@penguinone): Lying or misleading people about what SARS-CoV-2 is doing makes me angry and sad.They make it worse than it already is.The problem: there are people who are unnecessarily frightened by this: it has a major effect on the quality of their lives. →

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