libera/##covid-19/ Tuesday, 2023-12-26

BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: Virion morphology and on-virus spike protein structures of diverse SARS-CoV-2 variants →
BrainstormNew from ProPublica: DTE Energy Facing Oversight of “Hardship-Inducing” Debt Collection Practices: by Sarah Alvarez , Outlier Media This article was produced for ProPublica’s Local Reporting Network in partnership with Outlier Media . Sign up for Dispatches to get stories like this [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from PubMed: Isolation and genomic characteristics of the novel variant infectious bursal disease virus in China: The infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) is a member of the viruses that can induce immunosuppression in chickens. In recent years, more and more IBDV-infected cases by the novel variant IBDV were reported in [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from New Scientist: Probiotics helped reduce fatigue and memory loss from long covid: A study involving more than 450 people found that a mixture of prebiotics and probiotics alleviated some symptoms of long covid when taken daily for six months →
BrainstormNew from LitCovid: (news): Pre-analytical properties of different respiratory viruses for PCR-based detection: Comparative analysis of sampling devices and sample stabilization solutions. →
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: Olfactory immune response to SARS-CoV-2 →
BrainstormNew from Marc Veldhoen on Mastodon: (news): Important to know that this is likely a normal response, nothing specific about SARS-CoV-2. If the authors repeat the experiment during the influenza season they are likely to observe similar findings: total microbial load reduction, and alterations in relative abundance →
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: General and orofacial symptoms associated with acute and long COVID in 80- and 90-year-old Swedish COVID-19 survivors →
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: Long-Term Dysfunction of Taste Papillae in SARS-CoV-2 →

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