libera/##covid-19/ Tuesday, 2024-01-16

BrainstormNew from The Lancet (Online): [Comment] Access to COVID-19 vaccination and COVID-19-related hospital admissions and mortality: Several years into the COVID-19 pandemic, patients and members of the public might be asking themselves whether it is still necessary to attend for recommended [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from Eric Topol on Mastodon: (news): Among 67 million people in the UK, consequences of not getting a Covid vaccine, especially among older adults, age 75+: →
ublxTopol is referring to a Lancet study (linked) published today, and he glosses the study findings thusly: "Simplified: Older people need a booster to stay protected vs hospitalization and death"01:28
ublxwondering if that is just a simplification too far, since the Lancet study is of data covering up to June 202201:30
ublxi'm not sure what relevance that finding could have with respect to today's JN.1 variant01:31
ublxwell, i mean, i'm sure the Lancet study has valuable; Topol's gloss, maybe not so much01:32
LjLublx, you may have missed this non-study <Brainstorm> New from New Scientist: Covid-19 variant JN.1 may be the mildest form of the virus yet: The latest coronavirus variant, JN.1, is more infectious, but seems to be causing less severe illness than in previous waves →
LjLfull text of the article01:46
LjLit's just based on a couple of UK graphs though01:46
LjLthat said, even if JN.1 actually is milder, i think finding on vaccines missing 1 dose being mostly the same as missing *all the doses* is believable as long as your last dose was >>6 months away. whatever the variant, that other study with those other graphs (lol) that i saw made that scarily apparent, at least for older people01:48
ublxno harm in demonstrating again what we already believed - that vaccine effectiveness wanes01:49
LjLsure, every new variant may change things, but... not so much? i feel the variants have more been moving the bar for everyone but then they haven't made practical recommendations change so much01:49
LjLstudies lag behind variants, especially peer-reviewed ones as opposed to the much-maligned preprints01:51
LjLin any case, the UK hasn't even offered the new vaccine to everyone, and neither have several other European countries; i fully expect *no* next vaccine01:52
LjLso does it matter what we demonstrate about vaccine effectiveness and waning, if politicians have already decided they won't buy more vaccines01:52
LjLit only matters in making me anxious then ;(01:52
ublxwould be nice if JN.1 proves to be as mild as we hope and yet confers cross reactive immunity against future variants01:53
LjLwhat "future variants" will be is partly dictated by whether JN.1 infects everyone and confers cross-reactivity against the possible future variants that... won't come to dominate ;)01:54
LjLthe ones that *will* come to dominate on the other hand...!01:55
LjLbut then we can hope those will have to make even more compromises in order to dominate, and be even milder01:55
ublxthere's this idea that there is no particular reason why virus evolution MUST evolve towards less dangerous types, but i wonder whether that truism is more applicable to spherical viruses in a vacuum01:55
ublxin contrast to real world scenarios, where we do *things and stuff* depending on how dangerous the virus turns out to be01:56
ublxgranted our last four years have been a bit of a joke on the effectively doing things and stuff front01:58
LjLnot that i'm an authority, but what i've kept saying is that it's one possible evolutionary strategy (and it makes sense, partly due to the things and stuff we do) that the virus can take, but not the only one01:58
LjLHIV has gotten no milder01:58
LjLwe do have other human coronavirus that are old, and they are mild (although we might yet discover that people get long-HKU1 or something), so that's one hint, but...01:59
LjLanyway, i can't really say I understand that graph that Topol shows01:59
LjLunadjusted vs adjusted HR are already a bit over my head01:59
LjLand the ones are kind of opposite to the others02:00
LjLi'm almost positive i've looked up the difference at some point, but if i did i already forgot it02:01
ublxthe Lancet article's "adjustment" appears to be described under "Estimation of counterfactual reduction in incidence of severe COVID-19 outcomes:" on page 19 of appendix at:
ublxshort but not obviously 3am light reading02:25
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Queensland GPs flooded with patients reporting heart problems after long Covid | Queenslanders are flooding GPs with heart problems sparked by long Covid, the country’s peak medical body has warned. →
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: Long COVID: major findings, mechanisms and recommendations →
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: Insomnia symptoms predict longer COVID-19 symptom duration →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Covid-19 variant JN.1 may be the mildest form of the virus yet →
BrainstormNew from Marc Veldhoen on Mastodon: (news): Lastly, vaccine-derived immunity will indeed help you clear the virus quicker, reducing the level of the response needed; both reducing the risk of symptoms. It does NOT impede the immune response, it IS the immune response. →
BrainstormNew from StatNews: Health: The WHO and drug regulators want to reformulate the flu vaccine. It’s easier said than done →
BrainstormNew from EMA: News and press releases: Human medicines: highlights of 2023: The Agency recommended two vaccines to protect against lower respiratory tract disease caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and the first advanced therapy medicinal… →
BrainstormNew from Marc Veldhoen on Mastodon: (news): Dependent on confounders and social-economic status, resulting to increased risks to hospitalisation due to SARS-CoV-2 infection. →
BrainstormNew from EMA: What's new: (news): Human medicines European public assessment report (EPAR): Spikevax (previously COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna), COVID-19 mRNA vaccine,elasomeran,elasomeran / imelasomeran,elasomeran / davesomeran,andusomeran, Date of authorisation: 06/01/2021, [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from PubMed: Current state-of-the-art and gaps in platform trials: 10 things you should know, insights from EU-PEARL: Platform trials bring the promise of making clinical research more efficient and more patient centric. While their use has become more widespread, including their prominent role during the COVID-19 pandemic [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Luxembourg has destroyed more than a million Covid-19 vaccine doses →
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: Evolution of enhanced innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 Omicron subvariants →
BrainstormNew from Eric Topol on Mastodon: LongCovid: Protection against # LongCovid in kids with vaccination from a cohort of over 1 million https:// s/article/doi/10.1542/peds.2023-064446/196419/Vaccine-Effectiveness-Against-Long-COVID-in?searchresult=1 →
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: Vaccine Effectiveness Against Long COVID in Children →
BrainstormNew from Marc Veldhoen on Mastodon: (news): The study included 526 966 primary schedule vaccinated adolescents. VE against COVID-19–related hospitalization was 72.6% for BNT162b2 and 86.0% for mRNA-1273 and 80.7%  for heterologous mRNA vaccine schedules. →
BrainstormNew from Contagion Live: us: Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 Don’t Exhibit an Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Outcomes Vs Those With Pneumonia →
BrainstormNew from Marc Veldhoen on Mastodon: (news): new antibodies that are neutralising will be rapidly made. Although this does not stop infection, in many it will prevent the spread of the virus, contain it at the infection site, clear it, and in a substantial proportion of us, without or with light symptoms. →
BrainstormNew from StatNews: Biotech: STAT+: Dewpoint Therapeutics cuts 15% of staff, acknowledges Merck, Pfizer broke off partnerships over buzzy science →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Surging COVID-19 cases detected in wastewater: Could it signal a new wave? →

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