libera/##covid-19/ Sunday, 2024-01-28

BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: ‘If Exercise Could Cure This, I Would Have Been Cured So Quickly’ | Striving for fitness is usually healing. But for most people with long COVID, it can be toxic. →
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: In Utero Exposure to Maternal COVID-19 Vaccination and Offspring Neurodevelopment at 12 and 18 Months →
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in randomized trials in adults - PubMed →
BrainstormNew from This Week In Virology: TWiV 1980: AI builds better viruses: TWiV reviews global measles outbreaks, toilet-generated aerosols that spread viruses, highly effective prevention of invasive cervical cancer by HPV vaccination, and design of improved adenovirus-associated viral vectors using machine learning. →
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in randomized trials in adults - PubMed →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Weekly Discussion Thread | Week of January 28, 2024: Please refer to our Wiki for more information on COVID-19 and our sub. You can find answers to frequently asked questions in our FAQ , where there is valuable information such as our: →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Millions of Americans affected by ‘Long COVID’ →
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): CoronavirusUK: 'The NHS sold out its staff': Doctors whose lives were devastated by long COVID to sue health service →
BrainstormNew from NPR Science: Coronavirus FAQ: How long does my post-COVID protection last? When is it booster time?: How long does immunity last after an infection? Are rapid tests always accurate? How often is a booster in order? In [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Library of Congress launches covid oral history project →
BrainstormNew from Contagion Live: Measles Outbreak Continues to Grow, Affects Multiple States: Clinician warns that as immunization rates decrease, outbreaks of vaccine preventable diseases will continue. →

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