libera/#devuan/ Monday, 2023-01-02

xrogaangnarface: so this is the crypto thing that is failing on boot, sometimes
xrogaanprobably benign:
xrogaan/proc/crypto reports drbg_pr_ctr_aes128 self test as "unknown".02:35
gnarfacexrogaan: i probably don't know about it but /msg it to me02:53
gnarfaceor is it just the two repeating lines from that post?03:00
gnarfaceoh hmm, i guess they're unique03:00
gnarfaceyea i dunno though03:00
gnarfacedid you try the solution listed there?03:13
xrogaanGiven the first answer, I don't think it's an issue.05:28
xrogaangnarface: I linked the dpaste, it's the kernel error.05:28
dokmaTrying to parse this failing command: test -x /usr/bin/certbot -a \! -d /run/systemd/system && perl -e 'sleep int(rand(43200))' && certbot -q renew10:44
dokmaThe systemd chunk is not going to work obviously.10:44
dokmaWhat is that exclam doing?10:45
dokmaSo /usr/bin/certbot must exist and /run/systemd/system must not be a directory ?10:47
dokmaAnd then run perl -e 'sleep int(rand(43200))' && certbot -q renew10:48
dokmaWhat's the point of the sleeping part?10:48
rrqthat'd be the test, yes. not something one need to test more than once in a lifetime though...10:48
dokmaIt's a cron command that is supposed to renew my certs.10:48
dokmaSo I basically just need to run certbot -q renew10:48
dokmasince the folder does not exist and /usr/bin/certbot is an executable10:49
rrqyes; you can remove the test bit once you've verified it; it's not going to change is it?10:49
dokmaThat sleep part I don't get.10:49
dokmaWhy the huge wait?10:49
rktait's a random wait period10:50
rrqI think that's the packager trying to avoid the server getting lots of requests at the same time...10:50
dokmarkta: I did get that. I did not get why is it used.10:50
dokmaOhhh... I guess that does make sense10:50
rrqyou can change that into your desired once-in-a-liftime random choice as well10:51
rktayes, that it one thing which comes builtin with systemd. Looks like that is their version w/o systemd10:51
dokmaThat is not the problem. certbot is spitting out: Failed to renew certificate with error: Problem binding to port 80: Could not bind to IPv4 or IPv6.10:55
dokmaSo I'm trying to figure out how to do the automatic verification properly.10:55
dokmaOh, I just needed to stop apache2.10:57
dokmaThis worked just fine:  /etc/init.d/apache2 stop; certbot -q renew; /etc/init.d/apache2 start10:57
rwpSo apparently you have certbot configured to be its own http port 80 web server and apache is already running.10:58
rwpThat's one of the possible configurations.  But I dislike it.  Because one must stop apache around it.  That's hokey to me.10:58
rwpThe other way to configure things is to configure apache to serve the .well-known ACME Let's Encrypt challenge and then there is no need for certbot to self host it.10:59
rwpIMHO too certbot is hard to use because it keeps a binary database of its own configuration.  One gives it commands and it changes its binary configuration file.11:00
rwpThat random sleep is to stop the
rwpSo that across the world all servers wanting to renew don't all trigger at once.11:01
rwpBut that random 0-43200 second delay seems much longer than needed to me.  But I guess it all depends upon when the cronjob is configured to run.11:02
rwpDepending upon how certbot was installed it probably came with an apache configuration snippet to serve the .well-known directory itself.11:04
rwpMeaning that having configured certbot to http port 80 serve those files is probably not needed.11:04
dokmarwp: Awesome info. Perfectly clear. Will check if apache2 has any config to host .well-known11:08
dokmarwp: hmmm... aparently, all domains have the .well-known already configured.11:09 was my mail host so it did not have HTTP config.11:09
rwpRight.  It will be a shared config, shared for all VirtualHost domains.11:09
dokmaI can't even remember why I used that domain.11:09
rwpI used to use certbot some time ago.  But got so annoyed at it dragging in its own virtual python environment for a total of about 50MB that I switched away from it.11:10
rwpI am not using the dehydrated client.  It's a small simple shell script!  apt-cache show dehydrated11:11
dokmanever heard of it.11:11
rwpHowever the packager created a bug when creating the package making it a little tricky to configure.11:11
rwpSo honestly it might be easier to install the upstream direct from github.  Since it is one single shell script it is easy.  But then updates are on you to keep up with.11:12
dokmaI prefer simpler things. That's why I detest systemd.11:12
rwpThe packager of dehydrated got confused between .well-known/acme-challenge and .well-known/acme-challenges singular and plural!11:13
rwpWhich means that one must fix that bug to use it.  I override it in the local config part.  But gosh that's a shame about that confusion.11:13
rwpOf course the upstream doesn't have that confusion so a straight simple install avoids it.  (shrug)11:14
dokmaI don't have the time to try it now as we are overloaded atm.11:14
dokmaWill be for the next 2 months so it will have to wait.11:15
rwpSure.  Time and life is what keeps everything from happening all at once.11:15
dokmarwp: do you perchance know if letsencrypt certs are wildcards?11:16
rwpNot by default.  They did not support wild cards at all for a long time.  But then in recent times, not sure how long, they now support wild card certs.11:17
rwpI stopped using certbot by then.  So I don't know how to drive certbot to do it.  Just that it now supports it.11:17
dokmaThanks a bunch! Gotta keep moving.11:17
rwp  Which includes a recipe generator which is pretty clever.11:18
dokmaThanks! I'm gone.11:19
devuanhow to cat a file after a pipe. For example, this command list the newest files in a dir, and show it. Then how to cat it ?13:16
devuanls -Art | tail -n 1|cat (the file that is shown), I recall there is a symbol for taking the value of the previous pipe13:16
onefangtee might be useful.13:17
devuanonefang, how exactly to use tee for such a purpose13:21
joergdevuan: you want to cat the file that the name of is being printed by ls?13:45
joergcat $(ls -Art | tail -n 1)13:45
joergcat $`ls -Art | tail -n 1`13:45
joergcat `ls -Art | tail -n 1`   ;# sorry typo13:46
_jay_devuan: alternative approach; prefix the lines with filename: grep -H '.*' "$(ls -Art | tail -n 1)"13:50
_jay_using tee you could print the filename first by using stderr: cat "$(ls -Art ./*.*| tail -n 1 | tee /dev/stderr)" 2>&113:52
joerghah, that's tricky13:53
_jay_joerg: you could also make your shell echo commands to see what's file is passed to cat, but it will be more noisy: set -x; cat "$(ls -Art| tail -n 1)"; set +x13:55
joergsorry, no malice assumed, but it feels sort of cheating when a user picks "devuan" for nickname13:55
joerg_jay_: I know :-) actually I did exactly that yesterday  but it's _very_ debugging and non-intuitive and clumsy13:58
phoggthis is the safe way to work on the newest file in the dir: find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -printf '%T@/%p\0' | sort -zrn | while IFS=/ read -rd '' _ file; do cat "file"; break; done13:58
phogger, cat "$file" I mean13:58
joerghmm find is nice and all, but cat $(ls --sort=t --reverse --width=1 --almost-all | tail -n1) seems usually fine14:17
phoggit's not safe unless you use modern GNU ls and set --quoting-style=shell (or another safe value)14:19
phogghonestly a lot of pain and frustration could have been saved if the standards people in the 80s/90s had standardized ls --quoting-style14:19
phoggbut alas it did not exist then14:20
joergdepending on which of the 3 timestamps of a file you want, you may add a -c for c(reation)time instead of m(odification)time14:20
phoggyou would have to change the -printf string if you wanted to alter that, too14:21
joergor I give you that14:21
joergcat "$(ls --sort=t --reverse --width=1 --almost-all | tail -n1)"  is much safer14:22
joergok, even14:23
joergmich safer than without the ticks14:23
phoggagain, --quoting-style=shell is needed14:23
sixwheeledbeastparsing anything with ls is asking for pain. its for human reading only.14:25
sixwheeledbeastfind solution is nice14:25
phoggsixwheeledbeast: without --quoting style yes, with --quoting-style it can be fine. The quotes can cause other problems, though, because you have to resolve them in order to have a filename literal.14:25
* joerg doubts a user who comes here asking what's the difference between parameter substitution and stdin-redirection/piping will understand and benefit from this14:25
phoggbut at least you are guaranteed to have parseable bytes.14:25
phoggjoerg: I am engaged in a hopeless war against the Unix shell cargo cult. The only way to win is to take a hard line against popular but unsafe tropes, and to spread information as widely as possible.14:27
phoggdo you know how many times I still see [ x"$var" = x ] ?14:27
joergand yes, >><sixwheeledbeast> parsing anything with ls is asking for pain<< is generally absolutely correct14:32
joergthen, you could argue "when you want to automatically cat the newest file of a dir, you got problems with the goal you want to achieve, not with the tools you use to achieve it§14:35
phoggdefinitely that^14:36
sixwheeledbeastdont even start on xy14:36
joergand then there's inotifywait :-)16:10
joergphogg: do you know of a concise table/list that tells which commandline util stdout are "stable" well-defined format and which are completely bogus, messed up by locale/localization etc?18:06
joergand maybe let's take this to #devuan-offtopic18:07

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