libera/#devuan/ Tuesday, 2023-11-28

rwpWonka, Is that pdns-server?  What specific action caused you to see that update-rc.d error?00:00
Wonkarwp: likely. "apt upgrade".00:01
Wonkaand I had that for years now.00:01
WonkaI hope I have now managed to get rid of that by reading /usr/lib/orphan-sysvinit-scripts/, trying to understand what it does, copying /usr/share/orphan-sysvinit-scripts/pdns to /etc/init.d/pdns, chmod +x /etc/init.d/pdns, and running /usr/lib/orphan-sysvinit-scripts/update_init_d.sh00:02
Wonkamight have been my stupidity in the early days...00:03
rwpI just now installed pdns-server and did not see that error.  No init script either.  But no error from it.  What components do you have installed?00:03
Wonkadnsdist, pdns-server, pdns-recursor00:03
Wonkaucf and orphan-sysvinit-scripts too, obviously ;)00:04
rwpI would like to avoid installing orphan-sysvinit-scripts on this particular test machine because I have my own init scripts there.00:05
rwpI installed pdns-server with no error.  I installed pdns-recursor and it was unhappy because I already have bind9 named installed and running.00:06
Wonkawell, I hope I have now managed to do whatever it is that makes /etc/init.d/pdns not disappear next time00:06
Wonkawill see next time :)00:07
rwpUnfortunately I have not been able to reproduce that update-rc.d error.00:08
Wonkait's certainly to do with /usr/lib/orphan-sysvinit-scripts/, because when I ran that manually, it produced that too. And then I replaced /etc/init.d/pdns and ran it again, got some message about /etc/init.d/pdns not being +x, and then I did chmod +x /etc/init.d/pdns and ran it again, and then there was no error message.00:09
Wonkajust had to vent first -.-00:10
rwpIt appears here: grep update-rc.d /var/lib/dpkg/info/{orphan,pdns}*00:10
rwpBut that is only on the remove side of things.00:10
rwpLooking through /usr/lib/orphan-sysvinit-scripts/ now.00:11
Wonkawell, that script, /usr/lib/orphan-sysvinit-scripts/, obviously is a part of orphan-sysvinit-scripts00:11
rwpYes.  But in order to reproduce this one might need to have a previously existing version of the packages that include the init script, and then upgrade through as you just did.00:12
rwpI am installing fresh right now and that is not quite the same thing.00:12
Wonkayep, that might have happened00:13
rwpCan you look through the dpkg log and see what your prior version was?  grep 'upgrade pdns' /var/log/dpkg.log00:13
WonkaI guess it was even worse: I had the last version with the init script, then the first version with the init script removed, then manually restored the init script, and only after that did orphan-sysvinit-scripts get that init script00:14
Wonkaas I said, that started years ago00:15
rwpGiven the events you describe it looks like orphan-sysvinit-scripts may already solve the problem now.00:15
rwpIt can only react these days.  So there will always be a gap of time and package versions where something will drop an init script and then orphan-sysvinit-scripts will need to react and add it.00:16
rwpAre you tracking Unstable Ceres here?  That's the machine of mine I was trying to reproduce upon.00:16
rwpAnd I will just note in passing that the bind9 named init script is still present but upgrades and fresh installs are broken by the UsrMerge change due to hard coded paths.00:17
Wonkait's "testing", pdns-server 4.8.3-200:18
Wonkaoof, and it's gotten late - gotta go sleep...00:21
rwpGood night!  I gotta go to the grocery for supplies.00:25
systemdleteonefang:  Why do you need them merged?  (same question, different user)01:51
systemdleteonefang:  Here is my confession.02:18
systemdleteThe truth be told, my "use case" is next to nil.  It is irrelevant.  No one would really care besides me.  I am a small-time user who is just using this and some other platforms to explore and learn a bit, and try out some things I never got to do when I was working.02:19
systemdleteThat said, here are some reasons (good ones, IMO) why admins might like to use separate file systems rather than 1BFS (one big file system)02:20
systemdletelet's take this to off-topic though, ok?02:20
* systemdlete moves over to off-topic02:20
golinuxGood idea!02:22
systemdlete(I knew you would appreciate that, golinux )02:44
* systemdlete prepares for the head session they are likely to have next...02:44
al1r4dany devuan mirror for asia, especially southeast asia please?04:48
onefang is our list for package mirrors, there are several Asian ones.04:49
al1r4dthank you~04:55
ddlI'm leaving dpptp certifiably operable under , to put a finer point on that.17:28

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