libera/#devuan/ Friday, 2024-02-16

gast0nhi, what NTP daemon do you use in Daedalus? ntpsec or chrony?04:14
masongast0n: What's wrong with ntpd?04:14
gast0nmason: it is a transitional package in Daedalus or not?04:15
masongast0n: I hadn't thought so. It's just plain old ntpd.04:16
gast0nntp: This is a dummy transitional package to transition to NTPsec.04:17
masonOh, hm. I wonder when that changed.04:19
masonJust updated a daedalus box, and indeed, it swapped out ntpd and put in ntpsec. TIL.04:20
XenguyI know it's RH, but I like 'chrony' cos it just seems to work, out of the box, without changing a single configuration04:33
rwpUpstream Debian changed from ntp to ntpsec late last year.  Since I was using ntp I followed the transition to ntpsec.  It's been okay.04:59
rwpntpsec is a fork of ntp though so over time there might be reasons to examine that decision again though.05:00
onefangXenguy: "I know it's RH, but I like 'chrony'"  The bad guys are human to, sometimes they screw up and write good software.05:01
XenguyA lucky accident?  Who knows?05:02
onefangShhh, don't tell 'em.05:03
XenguyI just like software that 'just works'05:07
rwpFor me ntp and now ntpsec Just Work.05:10
Xenguy'whatever works' [TM]05:18
Xenguy: -)05:18
XenguyThat's my Linux motto05:18
u-amarsh04still git bisecting mesa - had to use "git bisect skip" and rebuild 18 times in a row05:38
u-amarsh04nearly gave up05:38

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