libera/#devuan/ Tuesday, 2024-03-26

nietzzzzz devuan = the best uan04:07
avbox24For some time I used protonVPN under devuan. Since some days the community client seems to be broken. On reddit protonVPN says that they changed the protocoll and that there, the community stuff won't work further on. For me, it is a no go, So I had a look for an alternative. I found mullvad very interesting. They have debian package but at23:16
avbox24mullvan.postinst there are some systemctl commands (to add it as daemon). So my question are: a) What VPN service do you use under devun? b) Does protonVPN in some way work or not at this time? c) Any alternatives (i.e. mullvad d) How can one replace systemctl stuff, so it can be used under devun? I know a lot of questions, but I did not find any23:16
avbox24information about on the net.23:16
rwpavbox24, I am not using any of the commercial vpn providers.  I don't know what a commercial provider might require.  For my own purposes I am using OpenVPN which I have used forever and know how to use and it's good for me.23:34
rwpAll of the new cool kids are using WireGuard for VPN these days.  And many of those are using Tailscale as a broker for me.23:35
avbox24rwp:  say you are abroad and want to watch the tv channel from your country. ProtonVPN as Mullvad give you back an IP address of your country, so you can get  the tv channel.23:36
rwpAs to your systemctl problems, yes, that's annoying.  But so far have mostly run into stupid things that call systemctl and have always been able to change them to use /usr/sbin/service calls instead such that everything works okay without them.23:37
onefangI do the same as rwp, but I'm considering moving from OpenVPN to WireGuard.  These are software packages Devuan has, not services.  The other end of my home VPN is my Devuan server, so I run my own VPN.23:37
rwpavbox24, I understand the desire to have a commercial VPN host exit points in the various places that they do and you can choose from the set.  I just haven't been using them myself.  Which is to say that I can't help with that part of things because I don't know.23:37
rwpBut I would not be put-off by having a package call systemctl annoyingly and think that since it does then that I cannot use it.  Instead I think, and shout, "Free Software!"  And then reach in there and fix it so that it works correctly.23:38
avbox24rwp: No problem, I just didn't use it for a long time on my side, but in some circumstances it can be helpful. Bat thank you anything for your post.23:39
onefangMy advice, pick a VPN provider that uses open source software that is in Devuan package repos.23:40
rwpIf you put the postinst or parts of it into paste and posted the link so we in the channel could see the problematic parts of it then I am sure that we would be able to suggest a fix for it.23:40
rwpVery good.  All normal stupid stuff to hard require systemctl which is not needed.  Can you also paste in the contents of /usr/lib/systemd/system/mullvad-daemon.service too?23:45
rwpThat postinst is a typical "vendor quality" package script in that it would never pass the quality levels needed for Debian/Devuan.  If I were to submit that for review I would be chastized because it does not follow policy nor good practice.23:46
rwpIf the package is failing to install and leaving the package state in a failed stated then I would edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/mullvad.postinst and immediately after the #! line add "exit 0" so that it exits successfully without doing anything.  Then run "apt-get install -f" again so that it triggers all of everything (though probably "dpkg --configure mullvad" is sufficient.)23:48
rwpYou can check the package install state with "dpkg -l mullvad" and look at the two state letters.23:48
avbox24I have to add that mullvad has conf file for openvpn and wireguard, I checked with openvpn, it seems to work, but the austria tv channel still says I'm not in austria. When I use the fdroid app and tethering it works.23:49
onefangKeep in mind that /usr/sbin/service will use a systemd unit in preference to a System V init script if both exist on your system.  The man page says so.23:49
rwpBut if it is a Devuan system then it shouldn't have a conflict of ambiguity there.23:49
rwpThe mullvad.service file says "Environment="MULLVAD_RESOURCE_DIR=/opt/Mullvad VPN/resources/" ExecStart=/usr/bin/mullvad-daemon -v --disable-stdout-timestamps23:50
onefangHave a look on your Devuan system, bet there's both types of init file.23:50
onefangA VPN package installed from some random provider might have both.23:51
rwpBoth types of init files but not running systemd so it won't call systemctl or almost nothing would work on Devuan.  Things are working on Devuan.  So that's not happening.  QED.23:51
rwpThe /usr/sbin/service will do the right thing in this case.  It's okay.  You don't have to trust me.  You can look at the script! :-)23:52
onefangLast time I looked it didn't.  lol23:52
rwpIt says "if [ -d /run/systemd/system ]; then is_systemd=1; fi"23:52
avbox24rwp: Yes I did see that I exported it and startet it again, then it says: [ERROR] Error: Failed to reset firewall policy23:52
rwpavbox24, You ran something like <<MULLVAD_RESOURCE_DIR="/opt/Mullvad VPN/resources" /usr/bin/mullvad-daemon -v --disable-stdout-timestamps>> and it gave that error about firewall policy?23:53
avbox24rwp: it does complain not having the right os23:54
rwpHmm...  I don't know.  I will guess that it is internally using dbus to try to communcate with systemd-networkd or something.  That would need a deeper dig.23:55
rwponefang, So..., how does Devuan work if /usr/sbin/service requires systemd when Devuan does not include systemd?23:56
avbox24rwp: Yes, I think I need more time. But thank you, I at least lerned to bypass mullvad.postinst with exit 0, this helps me too in other situations to get working stuff, thank you23:56
rwpavbox24, That's a useful trick to be able to avoid running package postinst.  It also works if the prerm is trouble.  Then it will be in an okay install state so that dpkg/apt is happy.  Then can focus on the next part of the problem.23:58
rwpI might use "strace -v -f -o mullvad-daemon.trace.out mullvad-daemon -v --disable-stdout-timestamps" or similar as needed to reproduce the problem and then look through mullvad-daemon.trace.out to try to understand what the mullvad-daemon is doing and possibly understand something enough to fix things.23:59
avbox24rwp: Yes I see the point, it is as easy if you know it, thank you!23:59

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