libera/#maemo/ Monday, 2023-09-11

bencohsicelo: hi! do you remember what is needed to fully reset the modem (and associated components) instead of rebooting, when it shows the dreaded no-sim icon (and dmesg mentions modem reset)?18:23
bencoh(I vaguely remember csd and a few others being involved, but looks like csd alone is not necessarily enough)18:24
sicelommm, i haven't run Fremantle in ages now, and i've forgotten. i'll try to look at logs and see if i can find anything20:36
Vajbbencoh: maybe something like "pnatd at+cfun"21:40
bencohhmm, maybe21:40
VajbCan't recall exact syntax rho21:40
Maxdamantusiirc there's some process with "modem" in the name.21:42
Maxdamantusoh, `killall csd`21:43
MaxdamantusI think that's what I used.21:43
bencohapparently restarting csd isn't enough in this case21:43
bencoh(no idea why)21:43
joergbencoh: that's a surprisingly tricky problem, the actual hardware interface between OMAP SoC and modem is quite undocumented and obscure22:46
joergthere's no master switch to shut down the modem power supply22:46
joergand there are a few single signal lines between modem and omap where nobody can tell exactly what they do in detail22:47
Wizzupbencoh: did you try entering offline mode?22:47
Wizzupand then online mode again22:47
joergiirc there are mutual watchdogs in modem and system CPU, and when one doestn't tickle the other, the other reboots the one22:49
joergprobably - if true - this would be the best low level failsafe reset option for modem22:51
joergAT+CFUN=0 is prolly "(almost) all off",22:53
joerg  >>    0 minimum functionality    1 full functionality    2 disable phone transmit RF circuits only    3 disable phone receive RF circuits only    4 disable phone both transmit and receive RF circuits<<22:55
joergAT+CFUN=?  for querying the modem of what it supports - only if implemented in pnatd which actually translates between human readable AT commands/responses and some binary protocol the modem actually speaks on the communication interface22:58
bencohWizzup: yeah, it doesn't seem to work most of the time23:04
bencohregarding pnatd, I'll have to try again, I feel like I missed something23:06
joergpnatd is sort of a bitch, it has no way to close it once it opened its STDIN STDOUT STDERR. You at least have to close the terminal input pipe, maybe it actually needs a kill signal23:13
joergstrings pnatd23:17
joergobviously phonet-based, so you might find some arcane wisdom buried in their sourcecode23:19
joergI discussed parts of that with some nokia devs back when, in context of my *starhash-enabler# and a few commands I missed that were not supported yet in the modem+interfacedriver, they added some of those I asked for, others not23:37
joergbencoh: but actually, the question is what you want to achieve by that "full reset of modem"23:39

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