libera/#maemo/ Wednesday, 2023-11-22

warfarejuiceme: should be working again.09:43
ac_laptophello people16:31
ac_laptopis there something specific to fremantle boot process ?16:31
ac_laptopI've put this script into /home/user: and16:32
ac_laptopwritten this init script:
ac_laptopthen update-rc.d battd defaults and chmod +x /etc/init.d/battd16:32
ac_laptop/etc/init.d/battd start works fine but the daemon doesn't start at boot16:33
ac_laptopwhat am I doing wrong ?16:33
joergac_laptop: to start with, I'm not sure /home/ is already mounted when the initscript runs. Then it#s not exactly best practice to run a user editable script from init with root permissions23:18
joergparticularly questionable: the use if "~/" to refer to some HOME dir23:20
sixwheeledbeastI see typos...23:22
joergand a "while true; do foo; sleep 42; done" is often smarter like this: "while sleep 42; do foo; done" - easier to abort with an external signal23:25
sixwheeledbeastalso messybox sleep doesn't do 1m23:31
sixwheeledbeastdoes maemo upstart support sysv init scripts like that? it's been a while.23:43

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