libera/#devuan/ Monday, 2023-01-09

bgstack15I'm struggling to update my eudev hwdb rules. All the docs out there talk about how to do it for systemd systems.00:55
bgstack15I'm updating my /etc/udev/hwdb.d/60-macro-keyboard.hwdb file, and then running:00:55
bgstack15sudo udevadm hwdb -u ; sudo udevadm control --reload ; sudo udevadm control --reload-rules ; sudo udevadm trigger /dev/input/event{22,23,24}00:55
bgstack15Does anyone have any advice for me?00:56
bgstack15I'm trying to write a custom hwdb file for a small keyboard (9 keys). I think however that merely updating the hwdb is the problem!00:56
rrqmaybe it should ge before 60-keyboard.hwdb ?00:58
rrqlike 59-macro-keyboard.hwdb00:59
bgstack15alas, does not make a difference.01:02
bgstack15I can't even get to the part where I map the keys correctly yet! It's stuck on trying to identify the silly device.01:02
rrqI think hwdb.bin gets generated somehow and that's what udev will use01:03
rrqie /lib/udev/hwdb.bin01:04
bgstack15ah, is it possible that because the default behavior of "udevadm hwdb -u" is to update the /etc hwdb,bin file, that udevadm is still just using only the /usr/lib/udev/hwdb.bin file?01:04
rrqaccording to eudev.postinst it couuld be: udevadm hwdb --usr --update01:05
bgstack15So somehow my matching rule still just isn't working.01:06
bgstack15Thanks for the guidance on the /usr and /etc stuff!01:06
rrqok; ftr it's /lib/udev/hwdb.bin :)01:07
rrqmaybe you have too many links at /01:07
bgstack15not symlinked /usr stuff?01:07
bgstack15I dislike the whole discussion about /usr-merge. It has only confused me.01:08
bgstack15I ended up not solving my udev hwdb problem. Thankfully, the little macro keyboard I was trying to map has a little Windows utility that lets you remap the keys. It actually changes the keycodes it emits.04:30
systemdleteSo I am running into an (apparently) very old bug: [drm:radeon_cs_ioctl [radeon]] *ERROR* Failed to parse relocation -12!  (see
systemdleteI am not sure what to do about this.   Re-opening the bug, which is supposedly fixed, way back in 2012, seems like necroposting in a way.22:04
systemdleteHaven't seen this problem before, but it is causing programs to crash when I use my electronic kvms (keyboard-video-mouse switch).  When I return to the machine in question, a program has crashed.22:05

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