libera/#devuan/ Sunday, 2023-04-30

onefang_The big update was likely due to - "There was a release of Debian Bookworm RC2  media yesterday incorporating fixes up to date."01:12
onefang_Oh wait, maybe the other point release.  I'm still waking up after not enough sleep.  lol01:14
mmlj4I got this:   dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.    ...except that it gets stuck. Is there a command with a bigger hammer?17:36
buZzwhat does it get stuck on? could you pastebin the output?17:39
buZz <--17:39
mmlj4hmm... ^C unstuck it, but the failed installs from earlier still show up, even after a reboot
buZzfyi, i wouldnt ever run dist-upgrade at 'every update'17:44
buZzuse apt upgrade, not dist-upgrade17:44
mmlj4old habit from 15 years ago, I guess17:45
buZzit was a bad habit 15 years ago too, indeed17:45
mmlj4I can change the alias17:45
buZzso, after the ctrl-c , did you do --configure -a again?17:45
mmlj4not yet, no17:46
buZzseems you just need to do those nagios packages (also wow, i didnt think people would still be using nagios)17:46
mmlj4what's wrong with nagios? I mean, the OSS version does have its limitations, but...17:46
mmlj4hey, I have to run out for a couple of hours, but thanks for taking a look, etc.17:47
buZznagios is just pretty ancient17:47
buZzjust try to do --configure -a again17:47
buZzmaybe a bunch of times until its done17:47
bent_fingersWhat do the `netinstall` & `minimal-live` ISOs offer for connecting wifi?19:38
buZzi would say wicd, but likely not19:39
buZzwpa_cli at least :)19:39
bent_fingersthat would be nice19:39
buZzwicd is python2 so pretty much abandonware now19:40
bent_fingersIf I start with the `desktop-live` ISO, can I install a minimal system (no DE)?19:40
bent_fingersI used iwd & iwctl with Arch19:40
bent_fingersI like those19:40
buZzno image determines what you actually install19:40
bent_fingersOkay then, I'll use desktop-live19:40
buZzi honestly would never install from a live iso, but ok19:40
buZzyou do you :)19:40
bent_fingersoh, why's that?19:41
bent_fingersconnecting to the internet is a chore with wpa_supplicant19:41
buZzi dont like waiting for random OS just so i can get happy clicky icons while there's nothing i want to do there19:41
buZzbeside -installing-19:41
buZzso i normally use netinstall19:41
bent_fingerssure, clicky icons are clutter19:42
buZzright, so why wait for loading them?19:42
buZz'but its pretty fast!' yeah , still takes >0 time19:42
bent_fingersI'm trying to download the ISO19:44
bent_fingersthe mirrors list a daedalus19:44
buZzdid you have to unbend your fingers to do so?19:44
bent_fingersbut I don't see that on the homepage19:44
buZzits the next version19:45
buZza > b > c > d19:45
bent_fingersdaedalus is the last name of James Joyce's character19:45
buZzjust get chimaera, its the current one19:45
bent_fingersStephen Daedalus19:45
buZzbent_fingers: its names of exoplanets, i think19:45
golinuxbent_fingers: the desktop live iso just copies the live system to your destination19:47
buZzah!, it doesnt run installer19:48
golinuxBefore installing you can make changes that will then also be installed.19:48
bent_fingersIf I uninstall xfce after installing the system, will everything break?19:48
bent_fingersThat's what happened to me a year ago with Debian19:48
golinuxIt runs the refractainstaller19:48
golinuxBetter to build from the ground up, your way.19:50
golinuxJust use the installer iso and don't install a desktop.19:50
golinuxAdd it when it's up and running.19:50
bent_fingersI'm colorblind19:50
bent_fingersHow about the minimal-live?19:50
bent_fingersIt says it's designed for accessibility?19:51
golinuxThat also uses the refractainstaller19:51
bent_fingersIt's not the same as the installer iso, right?19:51
golinuxSpecifically unsighted or challenged19:51
buZzbent_fingers: so, all live cds are not installers19:52
golinuxAll our live isos use the refracta installer19:52
buZzthey can only copy 'full OS' from cd to disk19:52
golinuxI never heard mention of colorblindness though . . .19:52
bent_fingerscolorblindness falls under accessibility19:53
buZzjust use terminals19:53
bent_fingersFor example, most distros have brash colors in their default terminal setups19:53
buZzhavent heard of colorblindness that prevents seeing white on black :D19:53
bent_fingersthe blues for directories is horrendous19:54
golinuxI believe one of our derivatives - GnuInOS - uses the debian installer19:54
bent_fingersit's a common problem if you search the web19:54
buZzgolinux: the netinstall iso uses debian installer too, right?19:54
bent_fingersmost distros use it though19:54
golinuxbuZz: Yes. A version of it. rrq has modified it for Devuan19:55
bent_fingersI'm reading this:
bent_fingersWhat's a package pool?19:57
golinuxA collection of the most downloaded packages19:58
golinuxStats from popcon19:58
fsmithredbent_fingers, there is a way to do a very minimal install from the desktop live, but it does not use and installer. You can do a debootstrap install from the live session.20:24
n4dirand it isn't difficult, but still quite timeconsuming20:25
bent_fingersit's fine. I'm going with the netinstall20:25
fsmithredthat's probably the best choice20:26
n4dirgoing for a default installation image and just deselecting a GUI is probably more quick (but then: i am used to it. Might be first time it is also timeconsuming)20:26
fsmithredalso gives you more partitioning options than the live installer20:26
n4dirbent_fingers: you prefer any DE or WM?20:26
bent_fingerswayland with river20:26
bent_fingersno DE20:26
n4dirok, i am out :-)20:26
fsmithredYou speak strange words20:27
bent_fingersdevuan has wayland and river, I'm sure20:27
bent_fingersthough I haven't checked20:27
fsmithredwe have whatever debian has except systemd20:27
fsmithredand whatever requires it20:28
bent_fingersplease, no profanity here20:28
fsmithredabout 100 packages20:28
n4dirin the actual stable there is no river20:28
bent_fingerschildren may be present20:28
n4diralso in all suites of debian there doesn't seem to be a package called river. I sure got no idea what it is20:30
n4diras said: ain't there, it seems20:32
bent_fingershow about testing?20:33
bent_fingersCan I install from testing?20:33
fsmithredno, I checked in daedalus20:33
n4dirit ain't there in all suites, including Sid. It is to be found in Gentoo though20:34
fsmithredyes, you can install testing. There are installer isos.20:34
bent_fingersIt's been awhile since I used debian20:34
bent_fingerscan stable and testing repos both be used at the same time?20:34
fsmithredDo you know how to exclude Recommends?20:34
n4dirprobably not that hard to compile yourself. Or hopefully20:34
bent_fingersyeah, I'll probably compile it if it's not available20:34
fsmithredno, don't mix stable and testing. You can mix testing and unstable.20:35
fsmithredAnd in all cases, you should use the codenames, not "testing" or "stable"20:35
bent_fingersis it in unstable?20:35
fsmithredor you might run into problems when debian releases their next stable and we're still calling it testing.20:35
bent_fingersit says the keyword is too generic, not that it's unavailable20:36
bent_fingersthe keyword of 'river'20:36
fsmithredyou get hits on everyting with "driver" in the name20:36
bent_fingersI tried searching here:
fsmithredI didn't see river in ceres, either.20:37
bent_fingersbut this site doesn't offer options to change repo20:37
bent_fingersI don't know what it's searching20:37
n4dirfind someone who is capable of using the #debian bot dpkg. He can list packages in all suits20:37
bent_fingerssounds complicated20:38
bent_fingersI was hoping this would be a smoother process than Void20:38
bent_fingersI broke my machine because Void's instructions are incomplete20:39
fsmithredat pkginfo, search for ^river or ^river.*20:39
n4dirdebian or devuan are not the best choice for the latest and greatest. imho20:39
fsmithredfor a name that is exactly 'river' or one that begins with river20:39
bent_fingersright, I know regex20:39
fsmithredold software is a feature20:39
n4dirblackbox to the rescue ! :-)20:40
fsmithredit might not be difficult to compile river if they don't have deb packages20:40
fsmithredwhat's weird?20:41
bent_fingersoh, I know20:41
bent_fingersmy phantasms are20:41
bent_fingersI'll build river. It'll be my first build. For now, just need to rescue my system and files.20:42
bent_fingersVoid doesn't mention that if you shrink a partition with cfdisk, you must first shrink the filesystem20:43
bent_fingersoopsi daisy20:43
n4dirthe other day a rather experienced user had problems getting a panel to work in Wayland and his choosen WM. Glad to see we are back to such problems :-)20:43
bent_fingersI've never had such problems20:43
bent_fingersI don't use panels20:43
n4dirme neither, that is not really the point20:44
bent_fingersoh, the installer will help set up the network, it seems20:48
bent_fingersgood, no wpa_supplicant shenanigans20:48
bent_fingersokay, guess it's time to reboot into the usb20:49
bent_fingersThe usb stick isn't detected on boot20:57
bent_fingersIt used to be when I had other distros on it20:57
bent_fingersI wrote the image via `dd if=filename.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=1M && sync`20:58
bent_fingersper docs20:58
buZzwhat does 'on boot' mean?21:00
bent_fingerswhen I boot and press f12 to select a device21:00
buZzdid you check bios? should it even show usb as a option?21:01
bent_fingersyes, I checked21:01
bent_fingersit was just working21:01
bent_fingersI had windows on it21:01
buZzoh, you do know /dev/sdX isnt the right device, right?21:01
bent_fingerserased it with the dd operation21:01
bent_fingersI know21:01
buZzok :)21:01
bent_fingersit's /dev/sdb21:01
bent_fingersfor me21:01
buZzjust going through the options21:01
buZzdid you disable secureboot?21:02
bent_fingersyes, it's disabled21:02
bent_fingerscould it be the `bs` flag?21:03
bent_fingersbecuase with void it was 4M21:04
buZzblock size? nah should be fine21:04
buZzeven with bs=121:04
buZzor bs=1k21:04
n4diri seldom bother with bs= at all. As in: never21:04
buZzi do bother with 'status=progress' on dd parameters often :)21:04
n4dirbuZz: just saying that it probably isn't the reason for the actual problem21:05
bent_fingersgod, this all started because I tried trimming an mp3 file21:07
bent_fingerspacman's database became corrupted21:07
bent_fingersone thing after another21:08
bent_fingersdecided to try something without systemd21:08
bent_fingersI'll see if salix boots from usb21:08
mmlj4I purged all the nagios packages I had, and things work better now, thanks.21:31
mmlj4tried to reinstall them, and the thing seems busted again... I'm thinking there's a problem with nagios21:31
golinuxbent_fingers: Just when you think you know everything, you find out you don't and think there are greener pastures elsewhere. Problem is that wherever uou go21:57
golinuxyou find yourself21:57
golinuxGreetings hagbard and thanks for offering to help with the www theming21:58
bent_fingersI never think I know anything like everything22:01
bent_fingersnothing is working for me. I'll prolly go back to arch22:01
n4dirthere was an arch based distro minus systemd though, iirc22:02
golinuxYou have to know how to work it. It uis a learning process22:02

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