libera/#devuan/ Thursday, 2023-10-12

Xenguyfsmithred: Still chewing on that problem from yesterday.  Would you be able to have a look and see if this operation looks like a 'very bad idea[TM]' ?03:13
XenguyIIUC the gist is to substitue elogind for consolekit03:14
fsmithredXenguy, why do you want libpam-systemd?03:16
fsmithredand if you're using consolekit, shouldn't you have libpam-ck-connector?03:17
fsmithredI use elogind. It works. I don't see anything bad there unless you really want to use consolekit.03:19
Xenguyfsmithred: Both of the 2 'dangling threads' files depend on libpam-systemd03:19
fsmithreduse libpam-elogind instead if you must go that way.03:20
XenguyIs it a bad idea to chuck consolekit out, and welcome elogind in?03:21
XenguyI don't really know what either of them is about03:21
fsmithredI don't think so.03:21
XenguyOK, so if either is okay, then perhaps I'll try the operation I pasted most recently03:22
fsmithredelogind is a forked bit of systemd, so some people don't want it.03:22
XenguyAnd I will keep your comment about 'libpam-elogind' in mind03:22
XenguyIt's not that I want any part of systemd of course, but perhaps I could try this operation to resolve the dependency issue, and then try switching back to consolekit afterwards, or that's my thought at the moment03:24
fsmithredgood luck and good night03:26
XenguyInteresting, so I did that operation, and now the 2 dangling files dependencies are resolved...03:29
XenguySo the problem (like last time when I upgraded online from ASCII to Beowulf) has to do with whether elogind or consolekit is installed, at the time of upgrade03:30
XenguyNow I'm going to try substituting consolekit back for elogind03:30
XenguyAnd that looks like a very bad idea LOL03:33
XenguyOkay, looks like I'm stuck with elogind then, but at least my dependency issues are resolved03:34
Weezy1hello friends03:55
rrqhow do I make the firefox scrollbar to show up as something else than meagerly light gray on slightly lighter gray?07:08
brocashelmi haven't messed with that much myself, but wouldn't that depend on which ff theme you applied? or maybe which gtk theme you have that adjusts the scrollbars?07:10
rrqno idea :( I expected the scrollbar marker to be vsisible by default.. let's see if I have versions...07:11
rrqfirefox 115.3esr (64-bit) .. [daedalus standard]07:12
brocashelmmaybe something in about:config?07:12
brocashelmfor "scrollbar"07:12
brocashelmpersonally, i use pale moon, and the scrollbar is the native gtk i use07:13
rrqdoesn't seem t be any scrollbar colors in about:config07:14
brocashelmhmm, even changing different gtk themes on your DE hasn't changed its appearance?07:15
rrqI haven't changed anything ... seems I'm using LXQt 1.2.007:16
rrqso "gtk theme" would be some file(s) somewhere?07:17
brocashelmi found this:
brocashelmdunno if that helps, but seems like you could at least change a couple things07:18
rrqmmm maybe its in the gtk settings, since the terminal windows also have the same problem... that marker on the scrollbar is invisible (almost)07:21
rrqso the "window manager" dialog offers a "Theme" selector, and fiddling that changes the scrollbar a little.. but its colors stay the same07:27
rrqit seems this coloring comes from /usr/share/themes/Clearlooks-Phenix-Sapphire/gtk-3.0/gtk.css07:28
rrqthanks for the pointers07:31
brocashelmmaybe that custom scrollbars add-on could work for a more customized look within the program, instead of tinkering with gtk proper07:34
brocashelmpersonally, i don't use light themes anymore; my choice in dark theme is artix-dark (which i made even darker than the original artix spin) over adwaita-xfce-dark07:35
brocashelmso the scrollbar looks "normal" to me on my main browser (pale moon)07:36
brocashelmi only "use" firefox-esr when some anti-feature sites won't work on pale moon07:36
gnarfacefirefox fundamentally changed how their scrollbars render07:48
gnarfacei'm sure gtk still styles them but i'm not hopeful that you can actually change them back to the old rendering behavior just by changing the theme07:49
gnarfacethey now (in violation of w3c standards) have a weird "shrinking on loss of focus then auto-hide" behavior that seems to have nothing to do with previous expected behavior for scrollbars, and though i haven't tested it probably can't be disabled just with css rules the way the old "hide" behavior used to work07:51
gnarfaceas in, they hide no matter what07:51
gnarfaceand they also change width on focus, though it's annoyingly harder to attain focus now, because the hidden version is shrunk to pinstripe thickness07:52
rrqhmm do I have to restart the window manager for every color change test?08:00
gnarfaceyou should only have to restart firefox to test firefox08:01
gnarfaceif your window manager is also using gtk3 though you probably have to restart it to see the changes there though, yes08:01
gnarfaceso far this annoying scrollbar behavior i've only seen happening in firefox though08:01
rrqwell, the terminal has the same gray on gray (xfce4-terminal I think)08:02
gnarface. o O (hmm, is it possible firefox is my only gtk3 program with scrollbars to review?)08:02
gnarfacewell, thunderbird is doing it too but that's not exactly conclusive since they're both from the same team08:03
gnarfacei could have sworn i've seen other gtk3 programs not doing this but now i'm not so sure08:06
brocashelmthe new thunderbird "ui" is godawful08:07
brocashelmi can't seem to revert it back to what it was just before without doing a version downgrade and locking the package08:08
rrqhow do I run 2 xfce4-terminal concurrently?08:09
gnarfaceyea it's pretty terrible but it's just ugly. this scrollbar thing happened much earlier and is actually functionally crippled.08:09
brocashelmrrq: what do you mean? you can add a tab to your xfce4-terminal08:10
rrqI want to run 2 processes08:10
brocashelmyeah, you can add another instance of it, individual window or a tab in one08:10
rrqno, 2 xfce4-terminal processes08:10
rrq(ok running one as root works)08:13
rrqbut the new one ignores my css fiddling :(08:14
gnarfacesince it's part of xfce i can't be sure xfce isn't caching the theme for it or something like that08:15
gnarfacebut i'd try exiting both processes completely just to see if that works anyway08:16
rrqmmm it looks for "settings.ini" in a few places and some gtk.css in some... but not themed08:16
gnarfaceif it reads settings.ini you should be able to set a theme there...08:17
gnarfacedo you have a theme specified in that file?08:17
gnarfaceby default you might not08:17
gnarfacei've always had to edit it by hand08:18
rrqright.. maybe ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css ... (each user)08:18
gnarfaceoh, yea you'd have to change root's or programs launched as root would ignore it too08:18
rrqhmm there's an /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/immodules.cache08:19
gnarfacei do not have any file called ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css08:19
gnarfacei do have /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/immodules.cache though08:19
gnarfacebut i'm using enlightenment, so if there's some gtk3 tie-in to the window manager that xfce is sharing with xfce-terminal it wouldn't be active here08:21
rrqI have LXQt mostly but I use xfce4-terminal as terminal (due to personal view on qterminal)08:22
rrqmost processes sit under lxqt-session I think08:23
gnarfaceah, yea i'm not actually running any session manager here, either, though i wouldn't have previously expected it to be a factor in this08:23
rrqexcept my root xfce4-terminal which I started from `ssh root@localhost`08:24
rrq(it made some noise about failing to connect to SESSION_MANAGER)08:26
onefangOdd, on my Chimaera Firefox-ESR the scroll bar is light gray on black, many pixels think, doesn't vanish when I focus other windows' and highlights in a lighter gray when I hover over it.08:27
rrqyou're using dark theme I guess08:27
onefangOh and the only difference on pages with no CSS for screwing with it is the background is gray, and the bar is lighter.08:28
onefangYep, dark theme.08:28
rrqI'm using "light theme" .. the scrollbar trough i slight gray and the slider is also light gray though possibly alittle bit darker... and then it goes medium gray when I happen to hover the mouse on it08:30
rrqI would want the slider to be visible at a glance without having to find it to see it08:31
rrqI think I'm using Clearlooks-Phenix-Sapphire/gtk3-0/gtk.css08:34
rrqcan I run 2 firefox maybe?08:39
gnarfaceoh, maybe you're not seeing the same thing i'm seeing... the shrinking scrollbar thing might have never been in chimaera, i'm not sure08:45
rrqI have widget.gtk.overlay-scrollbars.enabled=false which seems like a good thing08:46
rrqand also widget.gtk.alt-theme.scrollbar_active=false08:46
gnarfaceis that what disables it? thanks.08:46
rrqit seems I have to learn much/most/all about gtk--3.0 theming just to get a visible scrollbar slider08:49
rrq.. and possibly I need to run a VM or similar in order to trial different settings ...08:50
rrqsomewhere in the story it has lost the label "convenient"08:51
rrqhmm there's gtk-chtheme for fiddling with gtk-2.0 theme.. anything similar for gtk-3.0 ?08:56
gnarfacenothing comes to mind, i just edit my settings.ini by hand09:25
gnarfaceseems like there should be something though, i have just assumed it's not part of my window manager09:25
gnarfaceyou should be able to just change the value of gtk-theme-name in there to the name of a different directory in /usr/share/themes/, then restart your gtk3 program09:29
brocashelmis anyone currently testing excalibur? i find i have to keep getting certain packages from ceres if daedalus-backports doesn't have them, but i don't want to go back to rolling releases10:02
hagbardI am currently usng excalibur as a rollin release.10:11
brocashelmthe libgudev bug was rather concerning a few months ago10:21
rktaAs I did not see it already shared here and might be interesting to some: Devuan is on HN page 1.13:27
golinuxrrq: A lot of the Clearlooks gtk3 stuff has been deprecated. Those changes also nuked the color of the active tab and I have to strain to see which one is open. Until someone steps up to take over the theming and sort things we are at gnomes mercy17:33
youniHello.  I have laptop with Coreboot. And there worked trisquel fine. But i installed devuan with sysvinit. During installation I've chosen copy grub to MBR. And now my laptop is not bootin, just showing fatal error in a loop, and there is no grub menu at all. I think I need some instructions of how to install devuan and cook it with coreboot ?21:04

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