libera/#devuan/ Thursday, 2023-11-30

Nematocystgot a service that isn't starting at boot.  it starts fine manually, don't see any errors indicating failed startup.  there appears to be a link in /etc/rc2.d:S03opensmtpd... what am I missing?04:47
masonNematocyst: Check permissions on the file linked. Also, things not starting at boot can be a dependency issue, so check the things the service wants.04:58
masonRemote filesystems, etc.04:58
Nematocystmason, thanks.  couldn't find anything obvious.  tried changing the prefix to 06 (after rc.local) and that didn't work, but invoking "service opensmtpd start" inside rc.local did work.  i don't get it.  i know this isn't correct, but at least it works05:13
masonNematocyst: rc.local starts later05:15
masonso it's an ordering issue05:16
Nematocystmason, wouldn't there be some error i could find that indicates a failure?05:17
masonNematocyst: If it's logged, yeah.05:18
Nematocystwhatever failure it might be, it doesn't progress enough to write to its own log (mail.log)05:18
masonBut it might not be.05:18
masonNematocyst: A trick you might try is throwing a set -x in the init script.05:19
masonThen maybe you see what it's trying to do as your console scrolls by on startup.05:19
masonNematocyst: The big issue(s) are filesystem availability (NFS is a common culprit here) and network set-up timing.05:20
masonHm, name service can also be an issue, if it wants to qualify itself on coming up./05:21
Nematocystmason, can't be NFS.  and It's headless and I'm not using serial cable for connecting (though i could).  as it's an inherently network item, makes sense it might be network timing05:22
Nematocysti think i'm done with this issue for now.. i'll leave it be so i can end on a high note today after getting it configured so it does what i want... just surprised this lingering startup issue wasn't trival05:24
masonSo, either it can't open a listener when it wants to, or it can't resolve a name.05:24
masonNematocyst: You can maybe test the name by making sure you have all the relevant mappings in /etc/hosts05:25
masonLike, how it thinks of itself, and its primary relay if it has one.05:25
gourhello, is sysvinit still recommended init system for minimal tinkering with os?17:46
gourthanks. will try latest release on my old ceres similar in stability as sid?17:51
gnarfacecurrent stable is daedalus18:00
gourin general i do not have need for many new(er)/fresher apps. maybe using backports would be sufficient18:07
gourrecently i was using opensuse tumbleweed, but it looks they're heading towards immutable os-es18:07
goursiduction is interesting, but if i'd be able to resolve all my issues (i had in past) within devuan, i'd be happy to avoid systemd18:08
gouri've a need to use few prop. apps like viber/ flatpaks in general work under devuan?18:14
djphzoom has a regular client (or did last time I had to update)18:15
gourlast time i had trouble with viber which was re-starting setup procedure again & again18:17
clegrandHi everyone !20:07
clegrandDo you know which channel (or others) I can use to contact the team in charge of .deb packages?20:09
clegrandI'd like to know if they need any help.20:09
brocashelmclegrand: you can join #devuan-dev20:10
brocashelmhelp is always appreciated20:11
clegrandThank you for the information.20:14
clegrandI will contact you.20:14
brocashelmno problem20:14
al1r4dmorning from indonesia ☕23:01

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