libera/#devuan/ Friday, 2023-12-01

bb|hcbIP addresses were changed on Devuan's servers, there may be some disturbance in the force00:52
bb|hcbPing me, if you notice something unusual00:53
golinuxJust found a disturbance in Devuan webmail01:22
darwindo I need to do anything special to upgrade from 5 to 5.0.1 or just 'apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade'?02:58
brocashelmjust run apt update03:05
brocashelmand apt upgrade03:06
darwinthanks! :)03:08
darwinerrors were encountered while processing postfix, except no helpful mention of what error or a log to see03:14
darwinand the openzfs version is outdated03:16
_ds_The errors should be visible in the terminal, but you may have to scroll up a bit03:16
darwinit was more than 1,000 lines ago so disappeared03:18
_ds_Or run “dpkg --configure -a”, which is likely to show the same errors again.03:18
xrogaando devuan support
xrogaanI mean, obvioulsy no since there is no fasttrack channel in the repo.22:12
eyalrozxrogaan: So, asked and answered...22:13
eyalrozon an unrelated note, here is a poor take on systemd from one of the popular (?) Linux-related YouTube channel:22:14
xrogaan"old and hard to maintain"... looks at sysvinit pid 122:17
* xrogaan wonder what's hard22:17
mrnhmathxrogaan: job security, tale as old as time22:31

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