libera/#maemo/ Tuesday, 2023-04-18

CatButtsokay, the hypnotist sessions are not working out19:19
CatButtslet's see...19:20
CatButtsso, /dev/mtd1 contains the answer I need19:20
CatButtsbut, /dev/mtd1 does not exist when device is mounted as usb from recovery flash19:20
CatButtsrecovery menu or watchamacallit19:21
KotCzarnyone word: rescueos20:08
PankajraiIs there any doc for porting to new device20:54
CatButtsalternate history: what if Macromedia AIR ran on Sun sparkmachines instead of fancy java?21:41
CatButtsI'm tired of the current timeline anyway21:50
bencohCatButts: let's just revert to a previous check point and .... ohwait22:24
CatButtslet's just start over with a fresh flash and .... the battery is dangerous22:25
CatButtsrisking half-flash22:25
CatButtsin this case, I could learn to tell sweet lies with resistor and external cell at the sacrifice of internal battery22:26
* CatButts peels scraped label off of nokia battery to reveal samsung marking23:14
CatButtsowo, what's this23:14
CatButtslet's see what the BullShit Index say23:15
CatButtsit says 100k-ohm, 1000 something mAh battery. But it never felt like that23:26

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