libera/#maemo/ Monday, 2023-04-24

OksanaaHow do I find .tar for Maemo Leste 7? Or, docker image. Or, how do I convert .vdi or .qcow2.xz to .tar or docker image?08:32
hexnewbieOksanaa: You will certainly be able to mount it, though you'd have to convert the vdi or qcow2 to a raw image to be able to do that.08:37
Maxdamantusif you've got root on Linux, the simplest way would probably be using something like `mobprobe nbd && qemu-img -c /dev/nbd0 foo.qcow2`08:37
Maxdamantusthen whatever partitions are in the image should show up as eg, /dev/nbd0p2 and you should be able to mount them.08:37
hexnewbieIf nbd detects partititions automatically that will be easier08:37
OksanaaOkay, partitions detected, qcow2 mounted. How do I convert it to .tar?09:10
OksanaaI want to feed it to WSL Linux-on-Windows virtual machine thingie. And it only accepts .tar, or, Docker image.09:11
Maxdamantustar -cvzf foo.tar.gz -C /mnt/mountpoint .09:11
OksanaaBecause I want to see whether installing Eclipse on Linux on Windows will be easier than installing Eclipse on Windows (which did not work for me so far).09:11
Maxdamantusor without "z" and ".gz" if you just want a plain tar.09:12
Maxdamantustar -cvf foo.tar -C /mnt/mountpoint .09:12
OksanaaMaxdamantus: So, if I use /dev/nbd0 mountpoint , then tar will swallow all partitions?09:12
Maxdamantus/dev/nbd0 isn't a mountpoint. if the image has a GPT or MBR partition table, you should see additional devices such as /dev/nbd0p1 corresponding to the different partitions. you should be able to mount one of those partitions.09:13
* Oksanaa should try to do all these conversions today or tomorrow, then surprise workplace with Maemo Leste 7 running on top of Windows 11 the day after tomorrow.09:13
Maxdamantustry `lsblk` and see if anything shows up under nbd009:13
OksanaaMaxdamantus: But if I want to put all contents of .qcow2.xz into .tar?09:14
Oksanaa only works for the simplest partitions: swap+root.09:14
MaxdamantusOksanaa: chances are you only care about the contents of one of the partitions: whatever partition has the root filesystem.09:14
OksanaaMaxdamantus: If it was so, it would not have been packed into several partitions. I want to boot Maemo Leste 7, not read files from filesystem.09:15
Maxdamantus(I'm not familiar with maemo-leste's distributed images, but I suspect it's mostly likely that they have a single partition for everything that runs within the kernel—it might have a separate partition for swap and maybe for boot, but you probably don't care about those if you're trying to run it in WSL)09:16
MaxdamantusAre you expecting to run the leste kernel in WSL? That's not really how WSL is meant to be used.09:16
Maxdamantusafaik WSL2 only has a single kernel, at least per user, and maybe for the entire system.09:17
Maxdamantusafaik each user is only running one Linux kernel.09:17
Maxdamantusactually, now that I think about it, I think it does run separate kernels for separate installations (plus one for the "system"), and it uses some shared memory mechanism for sharing things like graphics capabilities, but you're not meant to run arbitrary kernels in it.09:19
OksanaaWSL has different distributions - Ubuntu, Debian, OpenSUSE... Maybe, you are right, and root partition is enough for WSL to run the Linux. Just, as long as there are no separate home-root-MyDocs partitions.09:22
OksanaaJust looking at
bencohI think WSL runs only one kernel, but WSL2 runs a kernel per VM13:55
bencohbut I might be wrong13:55
bencohanyway you should be able to use the leste rootfs with pretty much any debian kernel13:56
MaxdamantusWSL doesn't run any kernel aiui.14:08
MaxdamantusIt's just a native reimplementation of the Linux system calls in the Windows kernel.14:09
bencohah, I thought they built a custom kernel with paravirt support, like we used to do with Xen14:10
MaxdamantusThey do that in WSL2.14:10
Maxdamantusit's mostly a normal x86_64 bzImage afaik, but probably needs some extra drivers to be useful. I've seen reports of people compiling their own WSL2 kernels and replacing the one in the system directory.14:12

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