libera/#maemo/ Wednesday, 2023-10-25

xmnWho remember how to fix the issues when all of the text become weird like "copa_ap_cp_name"? It's every where, but it's been so long I forgot how to quickly fix it. Any clues? I've restarted, change the fonts already.19:14
xmnTried also installing other fonts. I don't remember uninstalling anything, but that could be it too?19:15
KotCzarnydid you remove the locales?19:15
xmnMay be german.19:54
xmnBut that is right, I made a small local in the past, maybe I can reload that.19:55
xmnThanks for refreshing my memory!!!19:55
xmnNow just have to remeber how I did it ... lol19:57
KotCzarnyi think i made such mistake in the past, even calculator was having untranslated raw strings19:59
xmnyup, every thing ui wise20:07

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