libera/#maemo/ Thursday, 2023-10-26

joergLANG=C nono, LANG=EN_us  somesuch?00:16
joergLANG=C (or unset) resulted in weird names?00:17
joergjr@saturn:~> iron90000:18
joergBusyBox v1.10.2 (Debian built-in shell (ash)00:18
joergEnter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.00:18
joerg~ # echo $LANG00:18
joergthere's en_US.utf8 in `locale -a`00:21
joergalso de_DE.utf8 in addition to de_DE00:22
xmnSome how still have not fixed my local-lang rendering issues. Sucks I forgot how I did it in the past. Thanks joerg for chiming in. might try again tomorrow.05:53
joergxmn: maybe ff, or check the rest of search hits, it will show up somewhere11:19
joergI couldn't recall details back in already11:21
joerg oneliner >>enychaving fun setting global environment varibles no clear way todo it ...  seeemnigly adding to  /etc/osso-af-init/locale  works<<11:28
joergxmn: this one seems relevant, starting at
joerg >>en_EN needed since nokia in their eternal wisdom decided to not use plain technical english texts in their source/binaries but rather that sfil_ap_name gibberish. Thus lang=C doesn't work in maemo, and if it would, you'd see filemanager named sfil_app_name and the menus look all similar to that. DocScrutinizer05 meant: allegedly the translators would get confused when they had real12:24
joerglegible meaningful english texts like "filemanager" to translate, rather than "sfil_app_name"<<12:24
xmnjoerg, thx for the links.17:31
joerghope it helps17:34
xmnI might just do a restore from backupmenu and be done with it  :). But I can't remember if that fixed it or not. Just don't have time right now to keep searching.17:34
joergcheck your $LANG setting and whether the locale blob is where it belongs to17:35
joergenyc's comment regarding /etc/osso-af-init/locale seems promising17:37
joergIroN900:~# ls -l /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive17:44
joerg-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 23911920 2010-02-19 11:58 /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive17:44
xmnYeah my $LANG was en_US last I checked.17:45
xmnI should dbl check the permissions.17:45
xmnpermission look good, but the osso af init had mixed countries. So as you said that could be the issues.17:52
joergthe /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive  is the big evil blob18:19
joergand afaik still closed source and impossible to mess with18:20
KotCzarnywhy the fuck locales would be a closed source blob18:22
xmnhmmm, I remember getting mine down from 20+ to 1.2mb. I remeber remove all the extra lang the doing locale-gen then saving that file in another place to easily replace when ever an update added lang back.18:23
xmnWorked great for a long time.18:23
xmnNice, changing the GB to US in the "/etc/osso-af-init/locale" did the trick!! Thank you joerg!18:23
xmnI just open it in leafpad, then did a locale-gen, rebooted .. good to go!18:24
xmnHappy to be done with that ... lol. Wish it still work as a main phone. Using my pinephone these days.18:25
joergyw, glad it worked18:30
* joerg makes a note to have a look into licale-gen18:31
joerglocale-gen even18:31
joergno idea where you found it18:32
joerghmmhmmhmm >> The locale-gen program was originally written by Debian GNU libc maintainers, and has been        improved  by  Denis Barbier <> for the belocs-locales-bin package<<18:38
joerg   200518:43
joergwait no *what*?18:46
joergaah yes, actually 200518:47
joergMarch 200518:47
joergxmn: could you find out where from (which package) you got the locale-gen executable?18:57
xmnYou know I just assumed it was built-in.19:20
xmnI have no idea, It may have come as part of CSSU, or one of the many app I've installed over the years.19:21
joergon my debian boxes it's installed, a shellscript19:22
joerginteresting, particularly since I never before heard of it19:22
xmnI'm no linux expert .. lol.20:26
xmnWhen I was using the n900 a lot I was trying to save space where ever I could. And keep all the other languages never made sense. They really should have include a setup wizard that give you the option to only install 1 lang. And a tool to remove them too :)20:27
xmnI had made a script for that, with med success.20:28

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